TMYS Academy’s think tank includes great conversations on thought-provoking topics with Prof. Robin Dunbar (University of Oxford), Prof. Jon Cook (East Anglia University), Deepali Naair (IBM), Ajay Arora (Hero Corp), Prof. Leonard Cassuto (Fordham University), Prof. Brian Hatcher (Tufts University), Saurabh Shukla (actor), Prof. Aruni Kashyap (University of Georgia), Swami Narasimhananda (monk and editor of Prabuddha Bharat), Prof. Sayantani Dasgupta (University of North Carolina), Arunava Sinha (professor and translator), Ira Dubey (actor), Prof. Vikram Kapur (Shiv Nadar University), Joy Sengupta (actor) and more. The panelists will explore how learning can be sourced and applied creatively instead of staying confined in textbooks or rule books.