
India's Indigenous Dilemma: A Clash Of Narratives

The narrative surrounding Indigenous People's Day on August 9th is complex and controversial. This article delves into the historical context, India's perspective, and the ongoing debate.

1. Genocide of Natives

In the West it is known as colonial genocide or settlers' genocide. The expansionism of Western European powers (British and Spain) carried out colonial genocide (genocide) in Europe, America, Africa, Oceanica and Asia, the number of which is equal to Hitler's Holocaust. She was even bigger and more brutal. According to Raphael Nemkin, who has done research on genocide, colonial genocide had two phases, the first was to destroy the native culture and lifestyle and the second was to forcibly force the natives to adopt the colonizer's way of life, culture and religion. This genocide is also called cultural genocide and ethnic genocide. The severity of this genocide was so severe that in addition to animal torture, the natives were also inhumanely exterminated by using biological diseases (smallpox, cholera). According to government estimated figures, the population of indigenous people in America alone increased from 145 million to only 70 lakh from the 15th century to the 18th century. The colonizers were not satisfied even with this, and more than 7 million of these natives were driven out of the entire America by the "Indian Removal Act of 1830" and pushed into the barren areas west of the Mississippi River. This tragic event is remembered as a day of tears in the history of America. Known as the river. In other parts of the world, including South America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other islands, the natives were driven out and massacred in a similar brutal manner.

2. Columbus Day (12 October 1492)

This day is also called "Day of Race", i.e. the day of European race, this day is declared a national holiday in most of the colonial countries including America, this day is celebrated with great pomp, Columbus was an Italian hero guide, who received orders from the King of Spain to find a sea route to India, but accidentally reached the American island of Bahamas. Since while returning from India, he was given the responsibility of bringing a consignment of spices, due to lack of spices, he inhumanly captured the native women and sold them for prostitution in the market of Venice, some of the women were shown naked in front of the court. Presented as a gift in India, the same mistreatment of native women continued for the next three hundred years. But for America and other colonial countries, where the natives are still being oppressed by the European race, Columbus is considered the father of the nation. American President Clinton, in his presidential order, ordered Columbus Day to be celebrated with great grandeur, and Declared a national holiday. (Order of President Clinton attached)


3. Abolish Columbus Day Campaign

Native peoples across the United States began protesting against President Clinton's Proclamation 6608 on October 8, 1993, and began pressuring Columbus Day to be declared Native Genocide Day. Since Columbus Day was an official proclamation that was also being celebrated by other colonial nations, it was very important for America to end this controversy. Therefore, to calm the dissatisfaction of the indigenous people, options for declaring a separate World Indigenous Peoples Day began to be explored. An alternative, the first meeting of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Peoples (WGIP), which took place on 9 August 1982, was proposed. Since Columbus Day was a global event in which every Commonwealth countries were involved, hence it was necessary to declare this day on a big platform. Therefore, by resolution 49/214 of the UN General Assembly, the day of the first meeting of the WGIP, held on 9 August 1982, was declared 9 August as World Indigenous Peoples Day on 17 February 1995. It was also started to be celebrated as the International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples.


4. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (13 September 2007)

Even after almost 12 years of discussions, no one could reach a consensus on the definition of the original inhabitants. In the last provision of the 46 provisions of the United Nations, it had to be written that this declaration will not impose any obligation on the nations accepting it and this declaration will work as a policy vision document for the rights within the scope of the constitution of every nation. The Government of India in its official vote in support of the declaration stated that "India votes in favor of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on the condition that after independence all Indians are natives of India." The basis of this opinion of India was given by Shri K. during the debate in the Constituent Assembly. M. Munshi, Shri Vishwanath Das, Shri B. R. The substantial debate between Ambedkar and Shri Jaipal Singh Munda can be considered. Despite initial opposition, Jaipal Singh Munda also gave his full support to the Constitution. In which all the residents of India were considered as original inhabitants of India and the term Scheduled Tribe was used under Article 342. Not the word tribal or native. Behind this, the special importance of the special provisions made for tribes in the Constitution of India becomes clear in the debate in the Constituent Assembly. It is clear from the opinion of India that the Indian Constitution has provided more rights to the Indian tribes than the United Nations Charter. And from time to time by the Parliament of India in which the tribes are represented in proportion to their numbers. Many laws that are made also ensure rights.


5. Differences from the United Nations Charter in the context of India

Since India is a sovereign democratic nation, some of the things written in the manifesto of the original inhabitants are against the Constitution of India, in which there are many provisions like self-rights, citizenship of another nation, adopting the religion of another nation as one's own religion, self-determination, financial help from other nations. From India's point of view, those who increase isolation and reduce India's sovereignty through unique identity.

Through intellectual discussion, experts on India's foreign policy highlighted the fact that nations which are being attacked by their own natives.

6. Indigenous Discourse and India's Perspective

The theme of the year 2023 by UN WGIP is "Indigenous Youth as Agents of Change for Self-determination", Is India struggling with separatism and Naxalism? I gave those people the right to create a separate country from India.

Every country has its own system of governance, where European races are still ruling, it can be applied on the natives there, but will it not be misused in India surrounded by enemy countries? Whose responsibility is it?


India's history for the last 800 years has been one of struggle with foreign invaders. The bloody history of dividing India's vast territory by taking advantage of India's internal problems and diversity is not hidden from anyone. The West's view of cultural diversity is divisive, whereas India has for centuries provided an environment of peace and coexistence to all communities with linguistic, cultural and religious diversity. Still, the conspiracy by India's enemy countries is continuing to create a new identity crisis in the states located on the international border like Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, West Bengal, Nagaland, Tripura, Manipur, Mizoram. We can consider this as a part of the international conspiracy based on the Thousand Cut Theory of the partition of India.

Recently, after observing the banned literature received from banned PFI organization, ISIS organization, terrorist, Maoist organizations, it has become clear that with international help, these organizations are creating separatism through regional, linguistic, religious, cultural or community based specific identity. By increasing the contradictions, it is creating a threat to internal security. India's strength is equal to the strength of India's weakest society. Therefore, the Constitution of India provides opportunities to every society standing in the last line to stand equal to the rich society of India by empowering them. In whose seed lies the feeling of equality, harmony and brotherhood. India is capable of firmly eliminating the possibility of alienation by foreign hostile powers through any unique identity.

7. Future Planning

To highlight the contribution of India's tribal society in India's independence in the 75th year of its independence, India declared 15 November, the birthday of the great hero of the freedom struggle, Lord Birsamunda, as Tribal Pride Day.

This is not the date of some unknown meeting, it is the birthday of Lord Birsa, one of the youngest great revolutionaries of India, the importance of this day is linked to the roots of India, today every year along with this, a week starts from 15th November. Tribal Pride Week is organized by the Government of India and tribal dominated states. In which various events are organized to showcase their cultural, linguistic, community and distinctiveness. Every aspect related to existence, identity and development is seriously considered. How many countries are there today which have given more importance to their heroes than their colonial figures, we want to read our history and not that of the invaders, 15th November is Birsa Munda Day or foreigner's 09th August (Columbus Day) is ours, this decision is also decided by the youth.

The Constitution of India has made us partners in power, today the Chief Ministers of 7 out of 28 states in India come from the tribal community. Mrs. Draupadi Murmu, a learned woman from the tribal community, holds the highest post in the country.

The trend of celebrating International Indigenous Peoples Day on 9 August has increased in tribal dominated areas since 2007. On this day, tribal societies of the country organize cultural events at various places to commemorate World Indigenous Peoples Day. In which there is significant participation of youth. This day should be celebrated with the expectation of public welfare of the indigenous people of the world on par with other days declared by the United Nations like World Yoga Day or Environment Day and on this day, the European countries should help millions of indigenous people.

It should be celebrated for the purpose of mourning the massacre of.

But due to ignorance, proxy forces of enemy countries are using their means to implicate the tribals in the conspiracy of conversion and separatism.

In the last 10 years, corruption organizations have been successful in using August 9 for the purpose of escalating the struggle. Due to misuse of social media, anti-India, anti-constitutional and anti-fraternity content is being spread to remote areas. Many people holding high positions also extend good wishes to tribal dominated areas on World Indigenous Peoples Day. And get involved in efforts to weaken the Constitution under the conspiracy of secession of enemy countries.

Today there is a need for the society to realize that along with the tribal society, every resident of India is an original resident of India and the ancestors of all the societies have made their joint contribution in giving independence to India. Therefore, in response to the conspiracy of World Indigenous Peoples Day, we all Indians are indigenous people. Following the motto of “You, I am one blood”, on August 9, remembering the global genocide of indigenous people, we can resolve to extend the path shown by India to everyone. ©Laxman Singh Markam

(These are the personal views of the author)

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