With over 26 years of hands-on experience as an entrepreneur, Gurvinder Singh is now offering, for the very first time, a unique amalgam of his personal, professional and under-the-radar journey as a proactive business consultant. Very few know about the multiple and profitable network of companies he has created. He has, in the process, perfected the crucial skills of strategic planning and execution through real-world application, from conception to global expansion. He has identified, accessed, and thereafter nurtured a whole range of global and national collaborations and partnerships to build his unique business model. Most importantly, Gurvinder is someone who understands money matters. He’s actively engaged, both in the raising and appropriate deployment of capital, whether it is through his vast network of high net-worth individuals (HNIs) that he has catered to in his diverse businesses or through the more formal process of handholding towards IPOs and FPOs.