
BruntWork Responds To FINRA Cybersecurity Warning, Strengthens Outsourcing Security

As cyber threats grow in both complexity and frequency, businesses are under increasing pressure to fortify their cybersecurity strategies, particularly in industries reliant on outsourcing.

Recently, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority(FINRA) issued a stark warning about the dangers posed to companies that outsource key functions. In response, BruntWork, a leading outsourcing agency, has launched a comprehensive security overhaul to safeguard its operations and client data. CEO Winston Ong has been at the forefront of this effort, emphasizing the critical need for enhanced security protocols to stay ahead of ever-evolving cyber risks.

FINRA’s Warning: A Wake-Up Call for the Outsourcing Industry

FINRA’s advisory pinpointed several rising cyber threats linked to IT outsourcing, including data breaches, software vulnerabilities, and sophisticated hacking schemes. The regulatory body underscored the importance of businesses enhancing their cybersecurity measures without compromising the efficiency that outsourcing offers. 

These warnings are not without merit. The global shift toward digital services, coupled with the increasing reliance on remote workforces, has opened new avenues for cybercriminals to exploit. Data breaches, in particular, pose a significant threat, with the potential to expose sensitive information and severely damage a company's reputation and customer trust. Additionally, software vulnerabilities within third-party systems can serve as entry points for malicious actors. The rise of ransomware and phishing attacks further complicates the cybersecurity landscape, making it essential for businesses to adapt.

BruntWork’s Response: Strengthening Cybersecurity Initiatives

In light of FINRA's warning, BruntWork has wasted no time in reinforcing its security measures. The company has introduced a suite of initiatives aimed at mitigating cyber risks, ensuring that both its internal operations and client data remain secure. 

One of the company's first actions was a complete overhaul of its password management system. In today’s cyber environment, weak or reused passwords are a primary vulnerability exploited by hackers. To combat this, BruntWork now requires employees to use stronger, more complex passwords and mandates frequent password updates. In addition, the agency has adopted multi-factor authentication (MFA) across all platforms, adding an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.

BruntWork has also invested heavily in cybersecurity awareness training for its employees. As human error remains one of the leading causes of data breaches, Ong and his team have implemented regular training sessions that focus on recognizing phishing emails, avoiding social engineering tactics, and responding to potential security incidents. "We’ve trained our teams to be vigilant in spotting email scams and other attempts to compromise our systems," Ong explains. "Cybercriminals are constantly refining their tactics, and our staff needs to be one step ahead."


Securing Work Devices and Remote Work Infrastructure

A key part of BruntWork's cybersecurity efforts revolves around securing the work devices used by its employees. As the company operates under a remote work model, ensuring the safety of the devices that connect to its network is paramount. All devices must meet stringent security standards, including regular software updates and the installation of firewalls and antivirus programs. Additionally, employees are required to follow clear protocols for data handling and device usage, minimizing the chances of a security breach.

Ong sees the company’s remote work setup as a strength rather than a weakness in its cybersecurity posture. "Our remote setup limits many common risks tied to traditional office spaces, such as physical theft or unsecured office networks," he says. "It also gives us more control over the potential points of failure, allowing us to implement stricter security measures on a global scale."

Building Client-Focused Security Solutions


"We’re working side-by-side with our clients to build custom security strategies that fit their unique challenges and risks," Ong says. "Security isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Each business has different vulnerabilities, and we work to ensure that every angle is covered."

As part of its client-focused approach, BruntWork provides ongoing guidance and best practices for safeguarding data. From implementing encryption protocols to advising on secure communication channels, the company ensures that its clients are equipped with the tools and knowledge to protect their sensitive information. This collaborative effort reflects BruntWork's commitment to transparency and partnership in an industry where security cannot be compromised.

The Path Forward for Outsourcing

The outsourcing industry must maintain reliable services while addressing cybersecurity threats. Companies must prioritize security in outsourcing partnerships, especially for sensitive operations like outsourced administrative support.

BruntWork is moving in this direction by working closely with its clients to develop security solutions tailored to each business’s specific needs. "We’re working side-by-side with our clients to build custom security strategies that fit their unique challenges and risks," Ong explains.


In addition to strengthening its internal defenses, BruntWork provides its clients with guidance on best practices for protecting their own data. Whether outsourcing data entry or more complex operations, the company views cybersecurity as a shared responsibility, where both parties take steps to minimize risk.

"Security is something that requires a collective effort," Ong emphasizes. "We’re making sure that everyone—whether it’s our team, our clients, or regulators—understands the importance of safeguarding data."

BruntWork is not standing still. The company pushes its security practices forward, looking for ways to stay ahead of the latest threats. The future of outsourcing depends on these proactive steps. Ong concludes, "Companies that stay vigilant and invest in cybersecurity will stand out in this industry, guaranteeing their long-term success."

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