
Interview With Piyush Rohella: A Leader In Payments And Fintech

Written by: Vansh Ahluwalia

Welcome, Piyush! Today we'll be discussing with Mr. Piyush about his extensive experience in the payments and fintech industry, focusing on his contributions, achievements, and insights. His work in areas like lending, payment terminals, credit risk management, and the role of AI in payments is impressive, and we're eager to learn more.

1. What inspired your journey into the fintech and payments industry, and how did you get started?

My journey into the fintech and payments industry was fueled by a fascination with technology's potential to reshape financial services and drive innovation. I was drawn to the sector's dynamic nature and the opportunity to solve complex problems at the intersection of finance and technology. My journey began over a decade ago when I recognized the transformative impact that emerging technologies could have on traditional banking and payment systems. This realization prompted me to pursue a career in fintech, where I could leverage my background in product management to pioneer innovative solutions and drive positive change in the industry.

2. Can you walk us through the conceptualization and implementation process of the "Hardship Program" at American Express?

The conceptualization and implementation of the "Hardship Program" at American Express was a collaborative effort aimed at providing financial relief to customers facing economic hardship, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The process began with comprehensive market research and customer feedback analysis to identify the specific needs and pain points of vulnerable customers. Leveraging insights from credit risk management and product management, we developed a strategic framework for the program, outlining eligibility criteria, repayment options, and communication strategies.

The implementation phase involved close coordination with cross-functional teams, including technology, operations, and legal departments, to ensure seamless execution. From designing user interfaces to developing backend systems for automated payment processing, every aspect of the program was meticulously planned and executed. Continuous monitoring and feedback mechanisms were established to assess the program's effectiveness and make iterative improvements based on customer insights and evolving market dynamics.

3. What were the key challenges and innovations encountered in building smart payment terminals at GoDaddy?

Building smart payment terminals at GoDaddy presented several challenges, primarily related to hardware-software integration, user experience design, and compliance with industry standards. One of the key challenges was optimizing the form factor and functionality of the terminals to meet the diverse needs of merchants while ensuring compatibility with existing payment ecosystems. This involved extensive collaboration with hardware manufacturers and software developers to design and prototype cutting-edge solutions that seamlessly integrated with GoDaddy's platform.


Innovations such as tap-to-screen functionality, intuitive user interfaces, and cloud-based payment processing capabilities were prioritized to enhance merchant productivity and streamline the checkout experience for customers. Scalability and security were also critical considerations, given the need to support a growing number of transactions while safeguarding sensitive financial data. By leveraging emerging technologies and industry best practices, we were able to overcome these challenges and deliver innovative payment solutions that empower businesses to thrive in an increasingly digital economy.

4. How did you approach streamlining collections processes at Amazon Lending, and what were the key outcomes of your efforts?

Streamlining collections processes at Amazon Lending required a holistic approach that combined data-driven insights, process optimization, and technological innovation. The first step involved conducting a comprehensive analysis of existing workflows and identifying pain points in the collections journey. By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, we were able to identify patterns and trends in customer behavior, enabling us to proactively intervene and prevent delinquencies before they occur.


Key innovations included the development of the "Outside Agency Placement Tool," which automated the process of assigning delinquent accounts to external collection agencies based on predefined criteria. This tool not only expedited the collections process but also improved recovery rates and reduced operational costs. Additionally, we implemented real-time monitoring and reporting mechanisms to track key performance metrics and identify areas for continuous improvement.

The key outcomes of these efforts were improved operational efficiency, enhanced customer satisfaction, and reduced credit losses. By leveraging technology to streamline collections processes, Amazon Lending was able to optimize resource allocation, mitigate risks, and deliver a superior customer experience. These initiatives underscored the importance of innovation in driving operational excellence and ensuring the long-term success of lending operations.

5. How do you inspire and empower colleagues to embrace innovation within teams?

As a leader, I believe in fostering a culture of innovation that empowers individuals to think creatively, experiment with new ideas, and challenge the status quo. I lead by example, demonstrating a commitment to continuous learning and improvement, and encourage open communication and collaboration among team members. I provide resources and support for professional development, including training programs, hackathons, and innovation challenges, to help colleagues explore new technologies and methodologies.


By creating a safe and inclusive environment where diverse perspectives are valued and celebrated, I inspire colleagues to take risks, think outside the box, and pursue innovative solutions to complex problems. I recognize and reward initiative and creativity, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability among team members. Through transparent communication and regular feedback, I ensure that everyone has a voice and feels empowered to contribute to the collective success of the team.

6. What role do you see AI playing in the future of payments, and how do you envision leveraging AI in your future projects?

AI is poised to revolutionize the payments landscape by enabling faster, more secure transactions, personalized customer experiences, and enhanced fraud detection capabilities. In the future, I envision leveraging AI to develop predictive analytics models for credit risk assessment, dynamic pricing strategies, and customer behavior analysis. By harnessing the power of AI-driven insights, we can unlock new opportunities for innovation, efficiency, and customer satisfaction in the payments ecosystem.


Thank you, Piyush, for sharing your valuable insights and experiences in the payments and fintech industry. Your innovative contributions and leadership have undoubtedly made a significant impact, shaping the landscape of financial services and inspiring others to pursue excellence in their work. We look forward to witnessing your continued success and contributions to the field.

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