
Sir Patrick Bijou’s Remarkable Journey In The World Of Finance

Sir Patrick Bijou is a venture capitalist who has backed and advised several successful start-ups. Sir Patrick Bijou has extensive asset management experience and runs two significant funds.

Sir Patrick Bijou is a highly educated and lateral thinker who brings creative ideas invigorated by his extensive banking experience.

He has worked as a senior banker on Wall Street and is a competent and highly experienced trader in the derivative and bond markets. Sir Patrick led the Deutsche trade desk and developed asset origination and distribution structures.

He is a senior adviser to various government offices. He has helped large corporations create new credit structures for international supply chains, S.M.E.s, the public sector, and commodity clients across different financial products.

Sir Patrick Bijou has tailored funding and investments for clients, including governments, banks, and financial institutions, and has implemented over $1.3B funding for social housing in the Bahamas, where he is a personal adviser to the Prime Minister.

His financial engineering skills have created off-balance-sheet solutions to rectify capital adequacy shortfalls. Sir Patrick Bijou is a venture capitalist who has backed and advised several successful start-ups. He has extensive asset management experience and runs two significant funds. His return ratios are of the highest levels in his sector, offering clients very satisfying returns on their capital. He is the world's leading authority on Private Placement and has written best-selling books on the subject.

Sir Patrick's vast experience and out-of-box thinking allowed him to design the masterful Leverage Wealth Program for funding projects and shape leverage ratios and fractional reserves for central and prime banks worldwide. It was a remarkable indicator of his thesis.

As a notable investment banker, he has developed skills in business management and possesses expertise in corporate and judicial governance. He has several working relationships at the top of the international banking sector and other specific markets relative to his interests.

Sir Patrick Bijou
Sir Patrick Bijou

His life achievements and story are fascinating. Sir Patrick became prominent after a client came forward with a need to raise $350 million for a large sports complex in New Jersey, USA, in 1988. As word spread, he ultimately had around $16 billion in projects sourcing funding. In 2015, he was introduced to a European private banker, where a relationship was developed to allow him to asset manage as a Fund Manager with five trade groups operating out of the top five banks. Sir Patrick Bijou talks us through his mission and the steps it takes to achieve this ambitious aim.


His mission is to leave the world in a better place than he found it by creating alternative funding sources for worthwhile projects that will create jobs, benefit the environment and build/rebuild infrastructure in nations worldwide. This is accomplished by growing an extensive network of people who can meet the criteria required of the programs that fund these. Applying leadership, beneficial working relationships, and providing 110% effort on behalf of the programs and project developers provides a space for collaboration between all parties concerned. One of the most significant challenges in his industry is finding authentic clients who have what they say they have, are evident in their intentions to follow the protocols from the international authorities, and cooperate fully and expediently. As Sir Patrick emphasises, once he has found such clients, they must be supported fully throughout the process.

"In all cases, the most important step in our customer service approach is to develop a relationship conducive to trust, integrity, truthfulness, honesty and understanding each client's goals, and then providing the expertise and relationships to help them succeed. We have learned that ego, ignorance, obstinacy, and arrogance are not worth our time when dealing with clients and their teams. So, an excellent client is someone with a pleasant personality and real projects. Communication is the most important activity we can engage in to keep information and conversations flowing, even when communication becomes difficult due to personalities. As much as a potential client is interviewing us, we are also interviewing them before we engage to ensure that clients understand what we need from them, and we understand fully what they are expecting from us."


As part of this focus on client service, Sir Patrick Bijou seeks the best-qualified individuals to support them. He explains., "I look for people who are intelligent, willing to learn, are not egotistical or obstinate, understand that opportunities come about often with very few being acted on for different reasons, and can absorb and communicate the facts. I look for great personalities coupled with a high degree of intelligence. I stay away from people who insist they know better or have some degree of expertise that may not be related to this business. I provide informational writing to help both clients and prospective intermediaries onboard actually read the materials. "Ultimately, people do business with people they like. We like people who have the right heart, mind, spirit and assets, and we like being a pathway to bring things about".

"The secret behind my success is intentionally creating good working relationships with principal clients. We work hard to ensure we always have the best staff to create these relationships and support our clients throughout the financing process." Sir Patrick Bijou is excited about the future as he looks to grow and build upon his current success. The future for us is brighter every day. As we enjoy success with our clients, we intend to ultimately become principal investors in specific project areas of interest".


One of three authorised Investment bankers is working under the authority of a private banking entity that provides bank paper for Private Placement Project Funding Trade Programs. We inform, screen, and develop the relationship between Ultra-High Net-Worth individuals and corporate entities, as well as institutions and sovereigns — Sir Patrick Bijou:

"Genius is not how much you is how much you can figure out with what you do know."- SIR PATRICK BIJOU

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