
AOD 9604 Peptide: Benefits, Dose, Cost, Results, & More

Learn more about AOD 9604, including its benefits, side effects, dosage and cycling, cost, user results and much more.

AOD 904 is a synthetic peptide that is making huge waves in the fitness and research chemical spaces.

The attention it's getting is primarily due to the potential benefits it has for helping users lose fat and improve metabolic health.

AOD 904 is unique in its composition, as a fragment of human growth hormone, and targets fat loss while also reducing the potential adverse side effects of similar therapies.

Anyone considering leveraging AOD 904 for a healthier physique needs to be clear on the benefits of the compound and how to achieve those benefits, as well as the side effects.

By understanding how it works, the risks users face, and what research has already been done, potential users can make a much more informed choice about their research materials.

In the end, if you’re considering using AOD 904, you’ll have the detailed insights and practical information you need to make the best, most informed decision for your health.

What is AOD 9604?

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AOD 904 is a peptide, but it’s a specific peptide created from the C-terminus of human growth hormone and is made of amino acids #176-#191 of hGH.

AOD 904 was first created and this specific sequence of acids was identified for its ability to stimulate fat metabolism without impacting growth or insulin resistance.

Affecting fat metabolism and growing resistance to insulin are common concerns with any conventional, full-length hGH therapy.

The function of AOD 904 is to mimic the same fat-burning effects as hGH while steering clear of the traditional challenges of muscle-building and growth promotion.

The preclinical and clinical studies that have been put forth have also shown that AOD 904 has substantial promise in improving lipolysis, breaking down fat cells, and inhibiting additional lipogenesis1

Lipolysis is the breaking down of fats, and lipogenesis is the formation of fat, this dual action makes it a powerful way to fight obesity and various metabolic conditions.


Whereas full-length hGH can have a substantial impact on glucose levels and insulin sensitivity, AOD 904 affects neither.

This highly targeted approach to fat loss is another reason that AOD 904 has gained such intense popularity in such a short time.

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AOD 9604 Mechanism of Action

Unlike many other peptides that work indirectly as agonists or secretagogues, AOD 904 operates with a very distinct mechanism that focuses on fat metabolism.2

This peptide fragment interacts with very specific receptors in the body to enhance lipolysis.

Lipolysis is the body’s process of finding fat cells and subsequently breaking them down into free fatty acids and glycerol, which can also be used for energy.

In addition to enhancing lipolysis, AOD 904 also inhibits lipogenesis, which is the process that allows your body to create stored fats from carbohydrates.


By targeting both lipolysis and lipogenesis, AOD 904 is able to create a highly comprehensive approach to reducing total body fat.

A major pathway impacted by AOD 904 is the beta-3 adrenergic receptors generally found in adipose tissue.

When these receptors are activated, they stimulate the breakdown of triglycerides into free fatty acids, which then head to the liver and muscles for oxidation and energy creation.

This lowers the stores of body fat, while also increasing the energy expenditure of the body, which also contributes to weight loss.

AOD 904 also boosts the secretion of adiponectin, a hormone created by fatty tissue.

Adiponectin plays a central part in both glucose regulation as well as in the breakdown of fatty acids.

Higher levels of adiponectin are typically associated with improved sensitivity to insulin, as well as reduced risk of being diagnosed with certain metabolic disorders.

AOD 904 supports improved overall metabolic health and helps manage chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes and obesity, by helping to raise adiponectin levels.


More traditional therapy methods that use hGH, AOD 904 does not influence blood sugar levels, nor does it promote muscle growth.

This highly selective activity is beneficial for those looking for fat loss without the potential for increased lean muscle mass, or the hassle of altering your glucose metabolism.

The peptide’s ability to target only fat metabolism while keeping muscle tissue levels flat and leaving glucose levels unchanged can put it in a very elite category of obesity-fighting peptides.

Benefits of AOD 9604

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AOD 904 offers several benefits, with the central focus of them being fat loss and an improvement in metabolic health.

One of the biggest benefits of AOD 904 is how it can help reduce levels of body fat by promoting lipolysis and inhibiting lipogenesis.

This twofold advantage helps break down the fat that’s already stored, while also reducing or eliminating the storage of new fat.3

For those seeking to improve their physique, AOD 904 can create a noticeable reduction in body fat percentage, specifically in areas that are more prone to accumulating fat deposits, like the thighs, hips, and abs.

Helping to lose muscle isn’t the only upside to AOD 904 though, and the compound actually helps to preserve lean muscle mass.

While there are plenty of weight loss treatments and peptides that lead to muscle loss as well as fat reduction, so far only AOD 904 is able to selectively target fat tissue, leaving muscle tissue alone, mostly.

This can be the factor that sets AOD 904 apart for those looking to improve body composition without giving up muscle mass or strength.

AOD 904 can also help support better general metabolic health by elevating adiponectin levels, improving insulin sensitivity, and adjusting blood sugar levels.

This is important for individuals who are living with metabolic conditions, like metabolic syndrome or even type 2 diabetes.

Enhanced insulin sensitivity doesn’t just help with weight management and maintenance, but it lowers the ongoing risk of developing other metabolic issues.4

AOD 904 has also been shown to have a positive impact on the average lipid profile.5

Some clinical evidence shows that the peptide is able to lower total cholesterol, including LDL or what’s commonly called “bad” cholesterol.

Bringing down LDL levels can help lower the overall risk of cardiovascular conditions, which can be an additional benefit for anyone using or planning to use AOD 904 as a weight management aid.

Another potential benefit of AOD 904 is the anti-inflammatory qualities it has.

By working to lower inflammation, the peptide can help reduce symptoms associated with chronic inflammatory conditions.

Relieving chronic inflammatory conditions can drastically improve the quality of life and overall well-being of individuals who live with them.

In short, AOD 904 offers a list of benefits for individuals looking for targeted body composition redefinition and improved metabolic health.

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Clinical Studies and Research

The safety and general efficacy of AOD 904 have both been assessed through clinical studies as well as intense research trials.

The studies that make up the current body of research related to AOD 904 have created a solid foundation of evidence that supports using AOD 904 for fat loss and metabolic health improvement.

One of the biggest and most notable clinical investigations was a double-blind & placebo-controlled study that looked at how obese individuals were impacted by AOD 904.6

The results showed that those treated with AOD 904 saw substantial reductions in body fat compared to the group given the placebo.

This study showcased the potential of the peptide in treating obesity, showing a marked decrease in adipose tissue without negative effects on muscle mass.7

Another study looked at the impact of AOD 904 on cardiovascular health and lipid metabolism.

This trial focused on individuals with elevated cholesterol levels who were then given AOD 904 for a period of eight weeks.

The results of this investigation show that AOD 904 was able to drastically lower total cholesterol and LDL, suggesting cardiovascular benefits.8

In a comparative study, AOD 904 was evaluated alongside a conventional diet and exercise regimen.

Those who participated and were given AOD 904 in combination with meaningful lifestyle modifications showed greater reductions in body fat, and improvements in insulin sensitivity compared to test subjects adhering to only the diet and exercise.

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Potential Side Effects

Even though AOD 904 is known to be incredibly well-tolerated, it’s still crucial to be aware of any possible adverse side effects.

One of the most common complaints from users of AOD 904 is the initial gastrointestinal discomfort that is frequent when just starting.

New users will commonly experience nausea, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, and more, particularly during the first stages of treatment as the body grows accustomed to the peptide.

These uncomfortable symptoms are generally short-lived and diminish as the user becomes used to the new dosage or schedule.

The other relatively common side effects are injection site reactions.

These are usually mild to moderate symptoms like swelling, itching, or redness at the site of injection, they can be uncomfortable but they typically resolve by themselves without the need for other medical attention.

Usage and Dosage Guidelines

If you are considering incorporating AOD 904 into your fitness regimen, you should be aware that it needs to be administered according to specific dosage guidelines.

AOD 904 is generally delivered with a subcutaneous injection.

It’s recommended that beginners start around 200 mcg-300 mcg per day, to allow the body to adjust to the peptide and its effects.

Starting slowly can also help mitigate the risks associated with use, and the potential for adverse side effects.

Depending on your individual response, the dose can be gradually increased.

While cycling and breaks are not as critical with AOD 904, it’s still recommended that users do a five-on, two-off schedule, to allow their body time to readjust.

Be sure you store AOD 904 properly, keeping it refrigerated but not frozen, and away from direct light and heat.

Who Should Avoid AOD 9604?

Even though AOD 904 can offer robust fat loss and metabolic benefits, there are still certain individuals who should take care to avoid use.

First, consider the risk factors with your healthcare provider before beginning any treatments.

If you know you are hypersensitive or are allergic to any component of AOD 904, you should definitely not use it.

While allergic reactions to AOD 904 are rare, they can be serious and require emergency medical attention.

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AOD 9604 Summary

AOD 904 is a massive step forward in effective fat loss and metabolic issue treatment.

The highly targeted and specific action on fat metabolism can create a promising alternative to traditional weight loss approaches.

It can be a potentially valuable tool for those looking to lose weight without impacting their muscle mass, but as with any medical therapy, open communication with healthcare providers is critical before starting.

With its innovative mechanism of action and research-backed efficacy, AOD 904 is one of the most promising fat-loss peptides available right now.

Click Here Now to pick up AOD 9604 from our top rated source.


  1. Ng FM, Sun J, Sharma L, Libinaka R, Jiang WJ, Gianello R. Metabolic studies of a synthetic lipolytic domain (AOD9604) of human growth hormone. Horm Res. 2000;53(6):274-8. doi: 10.1159/000053183. PMID: 11146367.

  2. Valentino MA, Lin JE, Waldman SA. Central and peripheral molecular targets for antiobesity pharmacotherapy. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Jun;87(6):652-62. doi: 10.1038/clpt.2010.57. Epub 2010 May 5. PMID: 20445536; PMCID: PMC3136748.

  3. Heffernan MA, Thorburn AW, Fam B, Summers R, Conway-Campbell B, Waters MJ, Ng FM. Increase of fat oxidation and weight loss in obese mice caused by chronic treatment with human growth hormone or a modified C-terminal fragment. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2001 Oct;25(10):1442-9. doi: 10.1038/sj.ijo.0801740. PMID: 11673763.

  4. Harpur CM, West AC, Le Page MA, Lam M, Hodges C, Oseghale O, Gearing AJ, Tate MD. Naturally derived cytokine peptides limit virus replication and severe disease during influenza A virus infection. Clin Transl Immunology. 2023 Mar 23;12(3):e1443. doi: 10.1002/cti2.1443. PMID: 36969366; PMCID: PMC10034483.

  5. Heffernan M, Summers RJ, Thorburn A, Ogru E, Gianello R, Jiang WJ, Ng FM. The effects of human GH and its lipolytic fragment (AOD9604) on lipid metabolism following chronic treatment in obese mice and beta(3)-AR knock-out mice. Endocrinology. 2001 Dec;142(12):5182-9. doi: 10.1210/endo.142.12.8522. PMID: 11713213.

  6. Misra M. Obesity pharmacotherapy: current perspectives and future directions. Curr Cardiol Rev. 2013 Feb 1;9(1):33-54. doi: 10.2174/157340313805076322. PMID: 23092275; PMCID: PMC3584306.

  7. Huerta MÁ, Garcia MM, García-Parra B, Serrano-Afonso A, Paniagua N. Investigational Drugs for the Treatment of Postherpetic Neuralgia: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Aug 20;24(16):12987. doi: 10.3390/ijms241612987. PMID: 37629168; PMCID: PMC10455720.

  8. Glykofrydi S, Kokkinos A, Barber TM, et al. Existing and Emerging Molecular Targets for the Pharmacotherapy of Obesity. [Updated 2020 Jan 9]. In: Feingold KR, Anawalt B, Blackman MR, et al., editors. Endotext [Internet]. South Dartmouth (MA):, Inc.; 2000-.


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