
Best Breath Probiotics - Oral probiotic for Bad Breath & Gum Disease (Freshen Up Your Smile)

Fresh Breath is essential for maintaining oral health and confidence. By introducing beneficial bacteria into the oral cavity, these supplements promote a healthy balance of oral flora, reduce the growth of bad bacteria, and improve overall dental care.

Looking for the ultimate solution to conquer smelly breath and regain your confidence? Look no further than the world of probiotics. In this comprehensive review of the best breath probiotics, we delve into the realm of microbial superheroes that are revolutionizing oral and dental hygiene.  

Unleashing the power of beneficial bacteria, these supplements have garnered rave reviews for their ability to tackle the root causes of smelly breath. Join us as we explore the top contenders and their unique formulations.  

Get ready to breathe freely and embark on a fresh, new chapter of dental health with our in-depth exploration of the best breath probiotics. 

Discover the Power of Best Breath Probiotics for Fresh and Healthy Dental Hygiene 

  • NuBeam - Best oral health supplement 

  • YourBiology - Highly rated probiotic brand for fresh breath 

  • Biotics 8 - Most Effective dietary supplement for optimal oral hygiene 

What Is An Oral/Dental Probiotic? 

Fresh Breath is essential for maintaining oral health and confidence. By introducing beneficial bacteria into the oral cavity, these supplements promote a healthy balance of oral flora, reduce the growth of bad bacteria, and improve overall dental care.  

They can be taken as lozenges or supplements designed for oral use. Strains like Streptococcus salivarius K12 and M18 have shown promising results in reducing oral issues and freshening Breath. 

Benefits of Oral Probiotics  

  • Prevention and treatment of tooth cavities. 

  • Protection against periodontal disease. 

  • Reduction of plaque buildup. 

  • Improvement in stinky breath. 

  • Prevention of gingivitis and periodontitis. 

  • Alleviation of gum inflammation. 

  • Assistance in preventing respiratory infections. 

  • Potential support in preventing oral cancer. 

The effectiveness of the best oral probiotics lies in their ability to create beneficial biofilms that cover the teeth, and other oral tissues and replace harmful coatings made by pathogenic microorganisms within the mouth. 



NuBeam is a leading teeth-whitening brand, delivering professional-level results at home through advanced dental science, PVP, and LED light, guaranteeing brighter and whiter teeth with enhanced stability and effectiveness. 

How Does NuBeam Work? 

NuBeam harnesses the power of PVP, a stable and advanced form of hydrogen peroxide. When applied to teeth, it triggers a gentle chemical reaction that effectively removes stains, prevents new ones, and brightens teeth. Additionally, the process is expedited through the use of special blue LED light frequencies, further enhancing the teeth-whitening and stain-removal effects. 


NuBeam Ingredients 

  • Polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 (PVP K30) 

  • Polyvinylpyrrolidone K90 (PVP K90) 

  • Glycerin 

  • Hydroxyethyl cellulose 

  • Water 

  • Ethanol 

  • Hydrogen peroxide 

  • Menthol 

NuBeam Benefits 

  • Professional-level home whitening 

  • Convenient & cost-effective 

  • Advanced PVP dental science 

  • Accelerated results with LED 

  • Enhanced confidence & appearance 

  • Gentle stain removal 

  • Strips & LED mouthguard options 

  • Shade tracking for progress 



Discover YourBiology, the ultimate probiotic brand for women. Its potent blend of non-GMO ingredients, including probiotics and prebiotics, revolutionizes digestive health and empowers women to thrive.  

How Does Yourbiology Work? 

YourBiology harnesses clinically proven live strains and advanced technology to optimize digestion in women, providing a powerful defense against stomach-related issues and delivering life-changing results. 

YourBiology Ingredients 

  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus 

  • Bifidobacterium Lactis 

  • Lacobacillus Plantarum 

  • Lactobacillus Paracasei 

  • MAKtrek (Marine Polysaccharide Complex) 

  • Fructooligosaccharides 

YourBiology Benefits 

  • Prevents IBS disease 

  • Improves gastric emptying 

  • Reduces epigastric discomfort and skin sensitivity 

  • Provides a potential source of fiber 

  • Promotes healthy digestion 

Biotics 8 

Biotics 8 

Revitalize your health with good bacteria present in Biotics 8, a powerful dietary supplement that supports digestion and overall well-being. Packed with 10 gut-friendly bacteria strains and 20 billion CFUs, it boosts testosterone , nurtures the gut-brain axis, and strengthens immunity for visible results in days. 


How Does Biotics 8 Work? 

Biotics 8 floods the gut microbiome with potent bacteria within 48 hours, leading to improved digestion, elevated mood, enhanced energy, and reduced IBS symptoms in as little as 14 days. Consistent consumption for 90-120 days can result in optimized overall health and a better quality of life. 

 Biotics 8 benefits 

  • Enhanced digestive system 

  • Nourishes the gut-brain axis 

  • Contains vitamin D+ and digestive enzymes 

  • Optimizes overall gut flora 

  • Promotes overall health and quality of life 

The Relationship Between Bacteria And Smelly Breath 

The interaction between bacteria and smelly breath has captivated researchers for years. Tonzetich's groundbreaking work revealed sulfur compounds emitted by oral bacteria, prompting further exploration. These bacteria, thriving on food debris, soft tissue, and other parts, produce various waste products.  

Some, like Streptococcus mutans, contribute to enamel erosion, while others, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia, generate malodorous gases. Tongue and tonsil bacteria also play a role in smelly breath. 


Causes Of Morning Breath 

Stinky breath can be induced by several factors, like: 

  • Certain foods (such as garlic) 

  • Dry mouth 

  • Cavities 

  • Issues with the tonsils 

  • Kidney disease 

  • Severe diabetes 

What Types of Bacteria Cause Bad-Smelling Breath? 

The unpleasant gas that causes most cases of foul breath is produced by bacteria found on the tongue and behind the gums. These bacteria release volatile sulfur compounds (VSC), which have odors similar to rotten eggs and wilting cabbage. Examples of VSC include hydrogen sulfide (HS) and methyl mercaptan.  

The Oral Microbiome 

The 700+ bacterial species that comprise your oral microbiome play a critical role in your dental and general health. A balanced microbiome reduces the risk of various diseases, including: 

  • Cancer 

  • Diabetes 

  • Heart disease 

  • Adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs) like miscarriage, preeclampsia, and low birth weight 

  • Obesity 

  • Alzheimer's disease 

  • COPD 

  • Pneumonia 

  • Cognitive impairment 

Maintaining a healthy microbiome is essential for optimal well-being, as it influences the health of your entire body. 


Dental Probiotics For Stinky Breath, Gum Disease, And Tooth Decay  

Dental probiotics are beneficial bacteria that reside in the mouth and can be supplemented through oral products. The microbiome, consisting of various microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa, plays a significant role in hygiene and health. With over 700 species of bacteria, the oral microbiome is the second largest microbiome in the body after the gut. 

While oral supplements support teeth, gums, and breath freshness, they also help control harmful pathogens contributing to tooth decay. 

How Do Breath And Probiotics Impact Oral Health? 

The impact of oral and dental  probiotics on oral health is substantial. Specific bacterial species in the oral cavity can lead to dental caries (cavities) and periodontal diseases.  

These bacteria produce acids by breaking down carbohydrates, which contribute to the development of cavities. Additionally, certain bacteria create pathogenic plaque at the gum line, causing damage to the supporting bones and leading to gum disease

How Can Probiotics Help Prevent Smelly Breath? 

By preventing the development of odor-producing bacteria, probiotic pills containing Streptococcus salivarius  can aid in the reduction of smelly breath. In a study, 85% of participants experienced a significant decrease in foul-smelling compounds within one week. These probiotics also showed potential benefits for oral health issues like gingivitis and tooth decay. 

How to Take Oral Probiotics? 

To effectively take oral probiotics, opt for chewable tablets or lozenges as they allow the beneficial bacteria to directly reach the surfaces of your mouth where bacteria biofilms form.  

To enhance the effectiveness of oral supplements, it is recommended to consume prebiotic-rich foods daily. Foods rich in prebiotics include: 

  • Onions 

  • Raw dandelion greens 

  • Garlic 

  • Artichokes 

  • Bananas (especially unripe) 

  • Chicory root 

  • Asparagus 

  • Leeks 

  • Raw jicama 

  • Apples 

  • Cocoa 

  • Flaxseeds 

Probiotic Foods 

In addition to taking oral supplements, incorporating probiotic-rich foods into your diet can further enhance the potential benefits for your oral health. 

Here are some common probiotic foods that you can consider: 

  • Kombucha 

  • Kimchi 

  • Yogurt 

  • Miso 

  • Natto 

  • Sauerkraut 

  • Kefir 

Probiotic Strains for Periodontal Disease 

Oral microbiome probiotic strains considered most effective for oral health are: 

  • Lactobacillus reuteri 

  • Lactobacillus salivarius 

  • Streptococcus salivarius  

  • Streptococcus salivarius M18 

  • Lactobacillus paracasei 

  • Lactobacillus sakei 

Breath probiotic strains for Bad-smelling Breath 

Several ingredients have shown effectiveness in oral probiotics for combating bad Breath. These include: 

  • Streptococcus salivarius K12 and M18: These strains of beneficial bacteria have demonstrated the ability to reduce halitosis and inhibit the development of other infections. 

  • Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 and ATCC PTA 5289: These strains of Lactobacillus bacteria create a healthier balance of oral bacteria and reduce the levels of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) associated with smelly breath. 

Dental Probiotics for Cavities  

Best dental probiotics for cavities include: 

  • L. acidophilus 

  • L. casei 

  • Bifidobacillus 

  • L. reuteri 

  • L. paracasei 

  • S. thermophilus 

  • L. rhamnosus 

  • L. salivarius 

Research shows oral supplements enhance the immune response, regulate mouth pH, prevent harmful bacteria attachment, produce antibacterial compounds, and improve saliva quality for enamel remineralization. 

Oral Probiotics for Halitosis  

Best dental probiotics for halitosis include:  

  • L. casei 

  • L. reuteri 

  • S. salivarius K12 

  • L. salivarius 

Dental Probiotic for Gingivitis & Periodontitis 

The best oral probiotics for gum disease are:  

  • L. brevis 

  • L. reuteri 

These compounds work by reducing plaque and lowering the gingival index. L. reuteri is effective in alleviating gingivitis and gum bleeding, while L. brevis is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. 

Oral Supplements for Respiratory Infections  

The best oral probiotics for preventing respiratory infections include:  

  • L. reuteri 

  • L. paracasei 

  • S. salivarius K12 

  • L. sakei 

  • L. gasseri 

  • S. salivarius M18. 

A 5-strain supplement has been shown in clinical studies to help lower children's incidence of respiratory tract infections by 76% over three months. 

Oral Probiotics for Candidiasis/Oral Thrush 

Oral thrush, a fungal condition, can be addressed with high-quality oral probiotics. 

The best ingredients for combating oral thrush are: 

  • Lactobacillus spp 

  • S. salivarius K12 

These substances inhibit candida biofilm formation and improve symptoms of oral thrush and inflammation caused by denture stomatitis. 

Oral Probiotics for Tonsillitis 

Oral probiotics, specifically S. salivarius K12, can alleviate symptoms of tonsillitis. 

A 2020 clinical trial demonstrated the effectiveness of S. salivarius K12 in providing rapid relief and improving the upper respiratory tract microbiome in recurrent tonsillitis. 

Probiotics for Oral Cancer 

Some oral probiotic strains that may inhibit oral cancer growth are: 

  • L. rhamnosus GG  

  • L. Plantarum  

  • Acetobacter syzigii  

  • L. salivarius REN 

Do Probiotic Supplements For The Mouth Work? 

Yes, probiotic supplements for the mouth effectively improve oral health outcomes. These supplements introduce beneficial strains of bacteria that can help reduce harmful bacteria associated with cavities, gum disease, and dirty Breath.  

How Long Do Oral Probiotics Take To Work? 

The effectiveness of oral probiotics can vary, but noticeable results can often be seen within 1 week. Most studies have been conducted for 2-4 weeks, while longer studies tracking cavity development spanned 9-12 months. A treatment period of 2-3 months is often advised as a general recommendation. 

Dental Probiotics Vs. Probiotic Supplements for Better Gut Health 

Dental probiotics, specifically formulated for the oral microbiome, are more effective in promoting oral health than standard probiotic supplements designed for gut health. While some bacteria species are present in the oral microbiome and gut, many are unique to each environment.  

Standard probiotic supplements are typically designed to be swallowed and release the bacteria in the gut. In contrast, dental probiotics are intended to be chewed, dissolved, or consumed directly in the mouth, delivering the probiotics where they are needed most.  

Side Effects of Dental Probiotics  

Dental probiotics are generally safe and do not typically cause side effects. Unlike some gut health probiotics, they are less likely to result in minor gastric disturbances. However, as a precaution, people with impaired immune systems due to conditions like HIV, AIDS, or cancer should speak with a doctor before introducing dental supplements into their daily regimen. 

Are oral probiotics for bad Breath safe? 

Oral probiotics for bad-smelling Breath are generally considered safe as they contain strains naturally in the mouth. However, some individuals may experience temporary digestive issues when starting it. Following dosage instructions and consulting a doctor before beginning probiotics is essential, especially for vulnerable populations like seniors, pregnant women, and children. 

Are Dental/Oral Probiotics Right For You? 

Absolutely! Dental probiotics can benefit you by promoting a healthy oral microbiome and help prevent oral health issues like stinky breath, cavities, and gum disease. 

How Can You Find Immediate Relief From Bad Breath? 

Use a toothbrush, mouthwash, or sugar-free gum to relieve bad breath immediately. Consider using dental probiotic supplements in the long term. Several different types of these supplements include lozenges, pills, and toothpaste. Consult a dental professional to rule out underlying causes of smelly breath persisting. With proper dental care, halitosis can be effectively managed. 

How To Choose The Best Oral Probiotics? 

Ingredients: Check labels for multiple strains like Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus salivarius, Streptococcus salivarius K12, Streptococcus salivarius M18, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus sakei. Look for prebiotics and enzymes. Avoid soy, gluten, dairy, and artificial colors. 

Allergens and Additives: Watch out for allergens and artificial additives. 

Type of Supplements: Choose from chewable capsules, tablets, liquids, or powders. Powder and liquid can be mixed but may have a bitter aftertaste. Chewable capsules or lozenges are convenient. 

Number of Pills: Consider the capsule count per bottle. More pills are beneficial for long-term use or chronic conditions. 


In conclusion, our in-depth exploration of the best breath probiotics has shed light on the remarkable benefits these supplements offer in the fight against smelly breath. With their potent strains of beneficial bacteria, these probiotics freshen your breath and support oral health.  

By incorporating these high-rated products into your daily routine, you can confidently tackle the root causes of halitosis and enjoy the lasting benefits of a revitalized breath.  

Leap a breath of fresh air and embrace the power of these dental supplements in your quest for optimal oral hygiene. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the best oral probiotic for bad breath? 

The NuBeam oral health supplement is a top choice for addressing bad breath. 

Do breath probiotics work? 

Best breath probiotics, like Biotics 8, have been positively reviewed for their effectiveness in combating bad breath. 

Can bad breath be cured with probiotics? 

Yes, probiotics have shown potential in helping to alleviate bad breath. 

How long does it take for probiotics to cure bad breath? 

Noticeable improvements can be observed within a few weeks of consistent use of probiotics to cure bad breath. 

How often should I take oral probiotics? 

Oral probiotics are usually taken once or twice a day, following the dosage instructions on the product label. 

Can oral probiotics help with tooth infections? 

Yes, oral probiotics can assist in treating tooth infections, often combined with antibiotics for comprehensive treatment. 

What supplements cure bad breath? 

Probiotics like Biotics 8 and Your Biology are effective supplements for curing bad breath. 

Is NuBeam safe? 

Yes, NuBeam is considered safe when used as directed. It incorporates advanced dental science and stable hydrogen peroxide (PVP) to ensure effective and safe teeth-whitening results. 

Does the NuBeam strips contain any harsh chemicals?  

No, the NuBeam strips do not contain harsh chemicals. They exclude common additives like PEG, SLS, parabens, phthalates, carrageenan, toluene, and triclosan for a safer teeth-whitening experience. 

Can NuBeam be used by people with caps, bridges, veneers, implants, or bonded teeth? 

Yes, NuBeam can be used by people with caps, bridges, veneers, implants, or bonded teeth. It is safe for dental work and will not harm or alter dental restorations during whitening. 

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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