
Legal Steroids | Are They Really “Legal”? | Top Brands And Products That Work

Learn all about anabolic steroids and their health risks, but also about the new trend in gyms called "legal steroids" that is making a splash worldwide

Are you tired of trying to achieve muscle growth and a flawlessly toned body, and end up being disappointed?

Have you thought about using anabolic steroids to "promote" your muscle gains, but are you afraid of the consequences this will have on your health (short & long term)?


Before you do anything, before you make any decision before you buy some illegal substance that will get you in trouble, stop and read this article.

Especially when you hit a "plateau" in your training, anabolic steroids may seem necessary to progress.

However, this is not true.

Taking illegal substances (such as synthetic hormones and anabolic steroids) can be a "faster route" to rebuilding muscle and sculpting your body, however, the potential harm that such a selection could cause you far outweighs the ultimate benefits.

I imagine you know that the use of anabolic steroids has cost many people even their own lives.

So does such a selection still sound so tempting to you?

Click Here to see the Best Legal Steroid Brands

What are anabolic steroids?

More or less, surely, you have heard about them.

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (also known by the abbreviation AASs) have been in the "athletic" spotlight for many years (and continue to this day).

It is a pharmaceutical preparation, a form of artificial testosterone, which is (theoretically) ONLY prescribed by a doctor in severe cases of hormonal problems or other medical conditions.

Although it is a powerful drug (with many serious side effects), for many decades it has been taken illegally as an "athletic performance enhancer".

Essentially it is used by athletes to enhance the natural testosterone levels of their body and to enhance the so-called "anabolic environment".

Testosterone (T) is a very important hormone of the organism, and extremely necessary especially for muscle reconstruction in the male organism.

It is no coincidence that - as men age - they lose muscle mass.

The reason is "hiding" in testosterone.

As a man grows older (specifically after the age of 30 or so) his testosterone decreases by 1% per year.

The average man has about 300 to 1,000 ng/dL of testosterone in his body.

With anabolic steroids, every man can keep testosterone levels consistently high and multiply the benefits of his training:

  • muscle growth

  • energy

  • lipolysis

  • ribbing

In addition, the increased levels of testosterone ensure other important health benefits to the user: such as improved sexual functions, enhanced bone density, reduced muscle damage, and enhanced immunity, but also many, many more benefits that we will see in detail further down in our article.

This is why anabolic/androgenic steroids are a common choice of athletes such as bodybuilders.

Their use "raises" the capabilities of the athlete's body in a demanding training... while at the same time multiplying the final physical gains.

For this reason, you will often find them called "performance-enhancing drugs" (Performance-Enhancing Drugs: PEDs).

What exactly are Performance-Enhancing Drugs (PEDs)?

"Performance-enhancing Drugs" (PEDs) are medicinal preparations that must be obtained by prescription ONLY.

This is a broader class of drugs aimed at enhancing athletic performance.

This large category also includes "anabolic steroids" as a subcategory.

Nevertheless, let's explain exactly what "performance-enhancing drugs" (Performance-Enhancing Drugs: PEDs) are.

These are drugs that improve athletic performance & enhance athletic gains.

This means enhanced energy, huge muscle gains in a short period of time, and targeted "shredding" of the body from excess fat.

The specific medicinal substances aim to enhance physical dynamics, but also cognitive acuity.

Athletes who take such performance enhancers show improved focus, a "clearer" mind, faster ability to react.

Therefore, we could basically say that performance enhancers (PEDs) - in addition to enhancing athletic performance - also work with additional benefits: such as cognitive benefits, sexual benefits, and even external appearance benefits.

The basic condition of proper use?

Always use according to the instructions for use, and must be under medical supervision.

PEDs (in general) are not lethal if used correctly.

However, because in the majority of cases, their use is not appropriate, the cases of serious side effects due to abuse are more and more frequent.

PEDs - as with any drug or chemical - can be fatal when abused and lead to serious impairment or even death.

Lack of public awareness plays the most important role that PEDs and anabolic steroids have led to ever-increasing cases of abuse.

The following preparations belong to the category of "performance-enhancing drugs" (Performance-Enhancing Drugs: PEDs):

Check the Top Legal Alternatives to Steroids for 2024

What do "Performance Enhancers" do to my body?

Performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) - including anabolic steroids and synthetic hormones - have been widely used in recent decades as enhancers of athletic performance & physical training gains.

The reason is extremely simple.

These products have the ability - in a very short period - to improve the physique, ensure huge muscle gains, fight body fat head-on, and achieve a flawless line and vascularity in the user's body.

However, PEDs do not "give" muscle mass without a "price".

Their chemical structure is very strong and the side effects they can cause are many and varied.

Especially their use by children & teenagers can be disastrous, causing significant development problems & malfunctions.

Nevertheless, their use by adults is not safe either.

Cardiovascular diseases, strokes, liver dysfunction, cancers and blood clots, are just some of the risks the user faces.

What makes Anabolic Steroids so dangerous?

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (or AAS) are a synthetic form of the androgenic hormone testosterone.

Testosterone - although the main male sex hormone - is present in both the male and female organism (but in a smaller concentration).

Especially for the male organism, testosterone plays a very important developmental role, while it also determines (throughout the man's adult life) important functions.

Humans (men and women) naturally produce this hormone.

In men, testosterone levels are at their peak during puberty (for the purpose of developing male sexual characteristics), and gradually decline from age over thirty (30+).

Anabolic steroids are a synthetic form of testosterone that is often used to reverse this decline in this important sex hormone.

This is sometimes done for medical/therapeutic purposes, while other times it is done (illegally) to promote other purposes (such as enhancing athletic performance, boosting sexual performance, improving appearance, gaining muscle mass & drastic weight loss).

Taking steroids has a positive effect on testosterone levels (regardless of the user's age).

It raises the levels of testosterone in the body ... whether the user is male or female (a fact that has different consequences in each body ... positive & negative).

This testosterone boost is so potent that it causes rapid muscle growth, huge energy reserves, and amazing physical strength & endurance.

This is also the reason why anabolic steroids have been so loved by the sports world (and especially by demanding sports such as bodybuilding).

However, what are the side effects of anabolic steroids?

Why is their use so dangerous?

In small doses for a short period, anabolic steroids do not (usually) have destructive effects on the organism.

Nevertheless, very rarely is their use correct when it comes to sports reinforcement.

Most users are gradually led to overdose & inappropriate use (with combinations of many aggravating dangerous substances together).

For their use to be "correct" (and to avoid health risks) it should be monitored by a doctor.

Long-term use of high amounts of steroids can have very serious effects on the organism and its functioning.

Side effects for men

  • increased risk of heart disease

  • aggressive behavior

  • impulsiveness

  • mood swings

  • physical deformity

  • liver dysfunction or damage

  • severe form of acne

  • growth of fatty tissue in your chest (gynaecomastia: for men)

  • reduction of naturally produced testosterone (hypogonadism)

  • lower sperm production (infertility)

  • male pattern baldness

  • shrinking of the testicles

Side effects for women

  • deepening of the voice

  • changes in the shape of the face

  • increased hair growth

  • severe form of acne

  • increase in the size of the clitoris

  • irregular period

  • breast shrinkage

  • reduced fertility

Is there a real alternative to Anabolic Steroids that works?

Yes, it exists and it is called "legal steroids".

Legal steroids are the result of many years of research and development of technology & science.

These are non-chemical (100% natural) multi-ingredient supplements (MIPS) aimed at an all-natural enhancement of testosterone production by the user's own body.

Precisely because of their non-chemical formula, legal steroids (as opposed to anabolic steroids and performance enhancers), are over-the-counter (OTC) supplements.

For this reason, they are currently extremely popular in sports and especially in bodybuilding, to improve performance and enhance training endurance.

Nevertheless, do they work?

Are they safe?

Let's be clear first, that these multi-ingredient supplements (MIPS) do not contain anything chemical or dangerous.

These are not synthetic hormones or anabolics.

They are natural supplements (like vitamins) specifically aimed at boosting energy, enhancing testosterone production & improving the user's athletic performance.

The so-called "legal steroids" is a general term that refers to supplements mainly for energy stimulation, muscle growth and extreme fat loss.

Legal steroids are therefore a “natural” version of the classic anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS).

In the market you will now find a huge variety of such supplements that give a lot of promises.

However, not all are of equal quality, and therefore not equally effective.

Do Legal Steroids target muscle bulk only?


Legal steroids (like anabolic steroids) are a broader category of products aimed at improving performance and look.

Depending on their chemical structure, they have different effects, and therefore different benefits.

Usually when we talk about "legal steroids" we are referring to substances that favor muscle rebuilding and toning.

However, this is not as "restrictive" as it sounds.

As already mentioned, legal steroids are natural multi-ingredient supplements (MIPS).

Therefore, depending on the ingredients that the legal steroid contains in its formula, it achieves a completely different effect:

  • promotes muscle hypertrophy

  • aims to boost energy

  • promotes faster metabolic function

  • activates targeted burning of body fat

  • prevents muscle loss and damage

  • prevents the regeneration of fat cells in the body

  • improves cognitive response

As understood, legal steroids are supplements that, without the use of hormones, favor athletic performance by drastically increasing the concentration of testosterone in the body (and therefore the anabolic/androgenic state of the organism).

Can the action of Legal Steroids be compared to that of Anabolic Steroids?

Legal steroids are natural products to support the body's natural production of testosterone & growth hormone.

They are not the same hormones!

Therefore, it goes without saying, that they can NOT deliver either the size or the speed of the results of anabolic steroids!

Let's not lie!

Legal steroids are naturally occurring supplements that promote - in a non-dangerous way - the athletic enhancement of the user in a wide range of capacities depending on their composition.

It is the new trend in sports, as:

  • their use is not prohibited

  • are not detected in doping controls

  • they are not toxic

  • do not cause addiction

  • do not cause irreparable damage to the organism

  • have no side effects

Legal Steroids legally and sustainably achieve what Anabolic Steroids do, but Slower/More Natural/Safer.

They can achieve a not inconsiderable percentage of action compared to anabolics.

It is a very strong trend in the field of sports.

They are sold everywhere and at very good prices.

What criteria should I use to select the best Legal Steroids to get real benefits?

In a market with as much demand as that of legal steroids - which every year more than doubles its products - it is extremely difficult to make a "right" selection.

So, how do I select a truly effective legal steroid?

Let's see right away some of the most important selection criteria that you should pay attention to:


Legal steroids - as already stated - are multi-ingredient supplements (MIPS).

If you take a look at random products, you will find that each one uses different ingredients and combinations of ingredients, in completely different dosages.

This of course also determines its final action.

Both WHAT can be achieved, and HOW fast!

With ingredients like D-aspartic acid, Panax Ginseng, Fenugreek and Ashwagandha, but also L-carnitine and Tyrosine, the legal steroids aim to accelerate athletic benefits (muscle gains, toning, and fat loss), without the risks of anabolics.

Therefore, the secret to the success of a legal steroid is "hidden" in its ingredients.

"Pure" formula

In the case of dietary supplements - when we talk about a pure formula, we mean a formula without dangerous chemical additives, which lists its ingredients one by one and their dosages.

Thus, each user can know exactly what he is putting into his body and can avoid unpleasant contraindications and health complications.

Company reliability

Selecting a brand with prestige, reliability and great knowledge/experience in the field, minimizes the possibility of selecting a "junk" supplement.

The big brands have created products that have the required scientific support and quality.

They are manufactured in FDA-approved factories and meet all safety standards set by law.

Finally, a reputable health supplement company will always ensure you contact the company's staff to answer any questions you may have.

It will also offer you a money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with the product.

You can also look for companies that offer their customers affordable shopping packages and free shipping (for even more savings).

Complete stack options

Companies that specialize in legal steroids have usually created products that can also be used in a stack, without causing problems for the user.

The world's leading companies have created well-thought-out supplement combinations (stacks) that maximize ultimate training gains.

Application BEFORE and AFTER training

As already mentioned, legal steroids are a very broad category of products.

Depending on their composition, these products can ensure unique benefits for the user, both BEFORE training and AFTER training.

A company with knowledge in legal steroids has taken care to create supplements that meet every need of the user, pre or post-workout.

Will I need “PCT : Post Cycle Therapy” after using Legal Steroids?

Before answering let's see what is PCT or Post Cycle Therapy.

This is a treatment followed by anabolic steroid users.

PCT is a protocol to reset the organism after the use of strong chemicals (such as anabolics).

This cycle of treatment is followed after completing a cycle of anabolic steroids (AASs) and performance enhancers (PEDs).

This is because many (most) performance enhancers provide significant benefits, but at the same time can cause significant problems in other areas of health.

This recovery cycle therefore contributes to the "recovery" of the body from any "negative" consequences of these powerful chemicals.

However - while in anabolic steroids it is customary to apply a recovery cycle after the completion of their cycle - in legal steroids the application of a recovery cycle is unnecessary.

The reason is simple.

Legal steroids do not cause hormonal side effects or damage to the body ... and therefore do not need "breaks" to restore the organism.

Legal steroids can even be used for long periods (without stopping) without any risk.

Experts, however, recommend stopping for one to two (1-2) weeks to keep the effectiveness of their ingredients high.

What Ingredients do Legal Steroids usually contain?

Legal steroids are natural dietary supplements.

They usually contain many different ingredients which - combined - contribute to the strengthening of one or more functions of the organism.

Athletic enhancement is the primary goal of these supplements, and (of course) muscle hypertrophy as well.

For this reason, these supplements include in their formula ingredients that naturally enhance the production of specific hormones (such as testosterone, growth hormone & luteinizing hormone).

Some of the most common ingredients that achieve this and are often found in so-called “legal steroids” are the following:

  • proteins

  • creatine

  • vitamin D

  • vitamin K

  • caffeine

  • vitamins of the B complex

  • zinc

  • magnesium

  • and beta-alanine

In addition, you will often see in these supplements’ ingredients such as:

  • D-aspartic acid (D-AA)

  • branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)

  • leucine (HMB)

  • dimethylamylamine (DMAA)


In conclusion, I would say that legal steroids are an advanced and safer method of sports enhancement than their predecessors’ anabolic steroids.

They offer significant benefits, are undetectable in doping controls, and - most importantly - are legal and safe to use.

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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