
RAD 150 SARM: Benefits, Side Effects, Before & After, & More

RAD 150 is a SARM that claims to have numerous benefits. Learn more about the side effects, dosage, what it does & how it works, how to take or cycle it, & more.

RAD 150 has been gaining incredible amounts of popularity in the fitness and bodybuilding spaces in recent times.

This SARM is known for inducing powerful anabolic effects, and its proponents say it can create impressive growth in muscle tissues, enhanced strength, and a boost in overall athletic performance.

As general interest in SARMs keeps growing, RAD 150 has the potential to be the perfect supplement for many people.

In this comprehensive deep-dive, we’ll dig into all the details about RAD 150 that anyone considering use should know.

We’ll explore the benefits, dosage and usage guidelines, and even the potential negative side effects that users may face.

Following that, we’re even going to highlight a reputable supplier of RAD 150 for anyone considering incorporating it into their fitness routine.

What is RAD 150?

Note: This is a review. Click Here Now to pick up RAD 150 from our top rated source.

Click Here Now to get RAD-150 at the lowest price available.

RAD 150 is also known as TLB-150 Benzoate, and it is classified as a SARM or selective androgen receptor modulator.

This means it works by selectively targeting only androgen receptors in tissues like muscle and bone.

It was created after RAD 140 and is a modified version of that SARM, with a benzoate ester added.1

This modification may not seem like much, but it helps improve the stability and bioavailability of the compound, potentially offering much more consistent and longer-lasting effects.

The selective action of RAD 150 means that anabolic activity is stimulated only in select tissues, lessening the impact on other organs and systems.2

With the targeting selectivity on androgen receptors, RAD 150 can promote muscle hypertrophy and elevated bone density.

These two benefits alone would make it an incredibly valuable tool during both the bulking and cutting phases for bodybuilders.

The unique chemical structure of RAD 150 provides a longer-lasting effect, due to the improved stability of the compound.

This improved stability and lengthier duration makes it one of the most attractive options for athletes and bodybuilders who are seeking more sustained effects and enhancements.

Even though RAD 150 is still incredibly new to the SARM market, it has garnered an amazing amount of attention for the results it boasts from both preclinical trials as well as anecdotal evidence.

Despite the relatively limited human research available, early indications are that RAD 150 can offer a much safer and more effective alternative to conventional anabolic agents.

As general interest in SARMs and other research chemicals keeps growing, RAD 150 is sure to stand out as a novel compound that can revolutionize common approaches to building lean muscle mass.

RAD 150 Health Benefits

Learn more about the massive benefits from RAD 150 here.

RAD 150 boasts a relatively wide range of benefits, specifically for individuals hoping to improve their physique and general athletic performance.

They include:

  • Enhanced muscle growth

  • Increased fat loss

  • Enhanced physical appearance

  • Increased energy levels

  • Increased metabolism

  • Improved cognition

One of the keys to these benefits is the highly selective action that only binds with androgen receptors.

This action makes it a powerful agent to enhance muscle growth, fat loss, and overall physical enhancement.3

Undoubtedly one of the main benefits of RAD 150 is the ability to supercharge anabolic activity, resulting in elevated protein synthesis rates and muscle hypertrophy.

Users typically report substantial gains in muscle mass and strength, even within just a few weeks of use.

You can see the results of that in some of the before and after pics from guys (and some gals) that have used RAD 150 below:

Do you want to look like the after pics in the guys above?

If so, you NEED to pick up RAD 150 at this link to get started on your journey!

This benefit alone means RAD 150 is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to boost muscle mass and gain more physical power.

Another major benefit of RAD 150 is the way it aids in fat loss by enhancing metabolic activity.4

By raising the baseline metabolism of the user, the body is not only able to burn more fat, it’s able to burn that fat more efficiently.

Combining the benefits of muscle-building with fat reduction makes RAD 150 one of the best potential tools to use during both the cutting and bulking phases.

This means that users who would normally have difficulty maintaining muscle mass during a period of shedding body fat may find it easier to maintain mass.

The result is a much more defined, toned, and ultimately, shredded physique.

The third major benefit is that RAD 150 has been seen to demonstrate potential neuroprotective effects.

Initial research shows that it may be able to protect cells in the brain from damage and that it may even have a role in helping support cognition.

This is notable for anyone facing the effects of aging, or for individuals at risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Similarly to RAD 140, RAD 150 can mimic the effects of natural testosterone in the brain, which helps maintain general neural health and brain function.

RAD 150 has a big part in maintaining and even improving bone density.5

Since the targeting is specifically for only androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissues, it helps form new bone tissue and lowers the overall risk of fractures.

This is a solid benefit for anyone facing loss of bone density due to age or medical condition.

Enhanced bone health can help improve overall physical performance as well as longevity, which is important for older adults and athletes.

Finally, RAD 150 has been noted as having a significant positive effect on the level of endurance and the duration of recovery.

Users report not only enhanced stamina but lower levels of fatigue during workouts, which means they can train harder and longer.

On top of that, RAD 150 can lower the time it takes to recover from serious exertion or intense activity, reducing soreness and downtime.

Being able to train harder, for longer periods, while also recovering faster, contributes dramatically to rapid gains and elevated performance.

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How To Use RAD 150

Getting the best results from RAD 150 means proper usage and risk mitigation is going to be critical.

First, you’ll need to understand the proper dosages and cycles, as well as how to administer the compound.

Beginners should start with small doses of RAD 150 that range from 10 mg/day to 20 mg/day, typically starting on the low end to assess bodily response and tolerance.

Once you have become accustomed to your dose, gradually increase it if needed.6

More experienced users may take doses up to 30 mg/day, but taking more than that can drastically increase the risk of side effects.

Also, you will want to ensure that you are cycling your use and be sure you take adequate breaks between cycles.

The typical cycle for RAD 150 will last from 8 to 12 weeks, after which you should take a break as long or longer than your cycle.

This break will allow the body to begin rebalancing the natural hormones.

RAD 150 is usually taken orally and comes in easy-to-use capsules or a precisely dosed liquid form.

No matter what form you choose, be sure you take your dose at roughly the same time every day to keep the levels in your body consistent.

Some users will take their dose in the morning so it’s easy to remember, while others will take it before their workout, assuming that’s at roughly the same time each day.

Taking it before a workout can add a boost to the effectiveness of the compound itself.

Where To Buy

With the research chemical and SARM space booming right now, there are plenty of places to buy RAD 150, the problem is that not many of them are reputable or trustworthy.

Our recommendation for the best place to buy RAD 150 is Chemyo, visit their official page on RAD 150 here.

They are a superstar in the SARM industry, and they ensure each batch is tested by independent labs before they ever get ready for sale.

They are well-loved by fitness enthusiasts and professional bodybuilders, have fast shipping, and stellar customer service if something just isn’t right with your experience.

RAD 150 Side Effects / Health Concerns

Despite the long list of positive health benefits that RAD 150 could bestow on users, there is also the potential for undesirable health effects.

Anyone who is considering taking a supplement, whether RAD 150 or something else, should be informed about the potential for negative side effects.

They include:

  • Possible hormonal imbalance

  • Fatigue

  • Emotional instability

  • Decreased libido (males)

  • Possible increased LDL cholesterol levels

RAD 150, like many other SARMs, can cause a range of side effects, though they are typically considered much less severe than anabolic steroid side effects.

The first potential side effect is hormonal imbalance, which can happen because RAD 150 suppresses natural testosterone production.

This can manifest as tiredness, fatigue, emotional instability, or decreased libido.

Following a cycle, post-cycle therapy or PCT is generally recommended to help the natural hormonal balance return.

Also, even though SARMs are less hepatotoxic than anabolics, liver damage is still a risk with high doses or prolonged use.

RAD 150 has the potential to impact the ratio of cholesterol, pushing it more toward LDL.

There may be long-term risks involved with use as well, but since RAD 150 is so new, those can be hard to predict.

Long-term effects on the endocrine system may be possible due to the cycling suppression of natural testosterone.

Finally, there may be some unknown cancer risks, where RAD 150 increases the likelihood of potential carcinogenic effects, though the body of research is still small and more studies are needed.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best dosage for RAD 150?

The ideal dosage of RAD 150 will vary, along with individual goals and SARM experience, but in general, beginners should be between 10 mg/day and 20 mg/day, with experienced users somewhere between 20 mg/day and 30 mg/day.

Can women use RAD 150 safely?

While women can use RAD 150, they should do so with extreme caution, sticking to dosages between 5 mg/day and 10 mg/day while monitoring the body’s response and being on the lookout for virilization.

How long does RAD 150 stay in your system?

RAD 150 has a relatively long half-life of roughly 48 hours, which means that after consistent use it can take several days to more than a week to clear out of the system.

Get your other questions about RAD 150 answered here.


RAD 150 can offer some tremendous benefits for anyone looking to boost muscle growth, increase strength, and improve overall physical performance.

The selective mechanism of action on androgen receptors makes it an incredibly potent and far safer alternative to conventional anabolic steroids.

Before beginning a usage cycle though, it’s critical to have a clear understanding of the dosages, usage guidelines, and even the potential health concerns that can stem from use.

By following the proper usage guidelines and making sure you source your RAD 150 from a trustworthy supplier like Chemyo, you can safely incorporate this SARM into your fitness regimen.

Whether you’re new to performance-boosting supplements or have been a SARM enthusiast for years, RAD 150 just might be the most valuable new addition to your toolkit.

Pick Up RAD 150 from our top rated source here.


  1. Jayaraman A, Christensen A, Moser VA, et al. Selective androgen receptor modulator RAD140 is neuroprotective in cultured neurons and kainate-lesioned male rats. Endocrinology. 2014;155(4):1398-1406. doi:10.1210/en.2013-1725

  2. Bhasin S, Jasuja R. Selective androgen receptor modulators as function promoting therapies. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2009;12(3):232-240. doi:10.1097/MCO.0b013e32832a3d79

  3. Christiansen AR, Lipshultz LI, Hotaling JM, Pastuszak AW. Selective androgen receptor modulators: the future of androgen therapy?. Transl Androl Urol. 2020;9(Suppl 2):S135-S148. doi:10.21037/tau.2019.11.02

  4. Jastreboff AM, Kaplan LM, Frías JP, et al. Triple-Hormone-Receptor Agonist Retatrutide for Obesity - A Phase 2 Trial. N Engl J Med. 2023;389(6):514-526. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2301972

  5. Solomon ZJ, Mirabal JR, Mazur DJ, Kohn TP, Lipshultz LI, Pastuszak AW. Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators: Current Knowledge and Clinical Applications. Med Rev. 2019;7(1):84-94. doi:10.1016/j.sxmr.2018.09.006

  6. Ross SB. Pharmacokinetics of haloalkylamines: cyclization and distribution in blood in vitro and in vivo. J Pharm Pharmacol. 1975;27(5):322-328. doi:10.1111/j.2042-7158.1975.tb09449.x

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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