
YK-11 SARM: Benefits, Results, Side Effects, Dose, & More

In this article, we are going to dig into the specifics of this SARM, exploring not just the uses but the potential benefits, and the research that’s been conducted so far.

YK-11 is a SARM that stands out as a notable compound due to its unique properties and inherent potent anabolic effects.

Unlike conventional SARMs, YK-11 is able to function as a myostatin inhibitor, which may be able to help promote muscle growth while limiting muscle growth limits.

In this article, we are going to dig into the specifics of this SARM, exploring not just the uses but the potential benefits, and the research that’s been conducted so far.

We’ll even look at the side effects that users may face, dosage and usage guidelines, and talk to some of the people not quite suited to using this potent SARM.

By the end, anyone considering using YK-11 should have a comprehensive understanding of just what this SARM can do, the risks involved, and whether it fits into your fitness regimen.

What is YK-11 SARM?

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YK-11 is a selective androgen receptor modulator or SARM, that has gained significant attention for its powerful muscle-building properties.

Unlike many conventional SARMs, which typically bind to androgen receptors as their mechanism of action, YK-11 functions as a myostatin inhibitor.

Myostatin is an endogenous protein that regulates muscle growth by limiting the amount of muscle the body can build.1

Through the inhibition of myostatin, this SARM can effectively remove this limitation and allow a far greater increase in lean mass than otherwise.2

Despite being discovered relatively recently, YK-11 has rapidly gained popularity in the hypertrophy space and fitness community for its powerful anabolic properties.

This SARM is often compared to conventional anabolic steroids in terms of its potency but is favored for the far more selective action, which is supposed to mitigate the risk of systemic androgenic side effects.3

The high selectivity of YK-11 means that even though it can promote muscle growth and increased strength, the likelihood of effects like hair loss, prostate issues, or loss of hormonal balance.


While the popularity of this SARM is constantly growing, it’s important to note that it’s still under investigation, and long-term effects aren’t yet understood.

In most cases, YK-11 is classified as a research chemical and is not FDA-approved for human consumption, or to treat any particular disease.

Mechanism of Action

YK-11 operates through a mechanism unique enough to completely distinguish it from other SARMs and conventional anabolic agents.

As a core element of how it functions, this SARM does bind to the androgen receptors in muscle tissues, just like how other SARMs function.

However, the effects of binding to those receptors are what sets it apart from other compounds.

When YK-11 binds, instead of triggering the release of muscle-building components, it stops the body from putting limits on how much muscle is allowed to be built.


It does this by inhibiting myostatin, which is a protein that naturally prevents muscle cells from growing too large.4

This inhibition is achieved through the production of follistatin, a powerful myostatin inhibitor.

Follistatin binds to myostatin and neutralizes it, giving bodybuilders a free pass to stack on as much muscle mass as they can manage.

Additionally, YK-11 has also been observed to interact with certain anabolic pathways within muscle cells, similar to the effects of dihydrotestosterone or DHT.5

Here the action of this SARM functions to promote the differentiation and proliferation of muscle cells, contributing to substantial increases in muscle mass and strength.

However, in contrast to DHT, YK-11 doesn’t have any significant androgenic impact on cells in tissues like the prostate or scalp.6

Not only that, but research into this SARM has shown that it may improve bone health and density by boosting the production of proteins that form bones and minimizing bone resorption.


This combination of effects can be particularly beneficial for athletes, bodybuilders, and others looking to support muscle mass and strengthen the skeletal system.

Lastly, it should be noted that the half life for YK11 is estimated to be around 10 - 12 hours.

Benefits of YK-11

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YK-11 has gained a dedicated following and a solid reputation for its powerful anabolic effects, making its popularity with bodybuilders and athletes no surprise.

There is no doubt that one of the most significant benefits of YK-11 is the ability to promote substantial muscle growth.

By stopping myostatin by boosting the production of follistatin, this SARM can effectively remove any limits imposed on the body’s muscle growth.

This results in far greater muscle hypertrophy and more definition than would have been possible with the myostatin’s interference.

In addition to muscle growth, YK-11 has been known to increase raw physical strength as well.


The peptide activates anabolic pathways that are designed to enhance muscle cell differentiation and proliferation, leading to stronger muscle tissue.

Users often report anecdotally that they notice improvements in their lifting capacity and overall physical strength, ideal for bodybuilding as well as athletics.

While the primary benefits are linked to muscle gain, YK-11 can also aid in significant fat loss.

Adding muscle mass boosts the body’s basal metabolic rate, which leads to more energy expenditure and fat burning.

Users can potentially reach a leaner physique with more muscle definition as a direct result of this powerful dual action.

YK-11 has also demonstrated positive impacts on bone health due to increased bone mineral density.

This can be a particularly valuable benefit for athletes and bodybuilders who put tremendous amounts of stress on their skeletal system during training or workouts.

Denser, stronger bones significantly reduce the risk of fractures and support a healthier overall skeletal system.

A healthier skeletal system is better suited to enhanced athletic performance, durability, and resilience.

Another significant benefit of YK-11 is the potential to improve recovery times.

This SARM can promote quicker recovery times by helping stimulate protein synthesis and minimizing muscle breakdown after intense workouts.

This means athletes who use YK-11 can train more often, and train much harder, resulting in faster progress and better results.

Finally, there are indications that this SARM may also have anti-catabolic effects by helping to protect lean muscle mass from degradation due to caloric deficit or intense physical stress.

This preservation is critical for anyone going through a cutting phase and helps ensure that the recently added muscle mass is retained while excess fat is shed.

Overall, there are a ton of potential benefits that YK-11 brings to the table, from muscle growth to increased strength, fat loss, bone health, and even hastened recovery.

Clinical Studies and Research

Even though research on YK-11 is still in its infancy, most studies are being conducted in lab settings in vitro, or using animal models.

That said, the findings that have been produced thus far are incredibly promising and suggest significant potential for muscle growth and similar anabolic benefits.

One of the first studies of YK-11 showcased the ability to stimulate muscle cell differentiation even more effectively than the potent androgen, DHT.7

This particular study shows that this SARM could lead to the formation of new muscle cells, resulting in elevated muscle mass.

It was also noted that this SARM stimulates follistatin which helps neutralize myostatin, a well-known endogenous muscle growth inhibitor.

Another notable study explored the effects of YK-11 on bone health.8

In this study, researchers found that YK-11 was able to enhance bone density through activation of osteoblasts, which regulate bone formation.

This is another incredibly valuable benefit for athletes since musculoskeletal health is a primary concern for those engaging in intense training or weightlifting.

In addition to these findings, the ability of this SARM to enhance muscle mass and physical strength has been confirmed in countless anecdotal reports from those in the fitness space.

Potential Side Effects

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Despite the long list of beneficial effects reported from YK-11, it’s also critical to consider the potential side effects and risks associated with use.

Like many other SARMs, YK-11 interacts with androgen receptors, and that can lead to some androgenic side effects, though they are typically considered far less severe than anabolic steroids.

One of the biggest concerns with this SARM is liver toxicity.

Some research has indicated that YK-11, as a fully synthetic compound, may put additional stress on the liver, similar to oral anabolic agents.

This means anyone considering using this SARM should monitor liver function closely, and consider cycling usage to avoid long-term damage.

Also, with the influences on androgen receptors and myostatin pathways, YK-11 has the potential to disrupt natural hormonal balance.

This could lead to serious side effects like testosterone suppression.

Cardiovascular effects, such as shifts in cholesterol levels, are also a consideration.

While data is still limited, there are preliminary indications that YK-11 could elevate LDL and lower HDL levels, necessitating monitoring.

Finally, some users have reported joint and tendon pain, and increased stiffness and discomfort in their joints.

This is thought to be due to the rapid muscle gains surpassing the speed at which the connective tissues can adapt and stretch.

Usage and Dosage Guidelines

To get the maximum benefits from YK-11, while also mitigating the risks, it’s critical to use proper dosing and cycle management.

It’s recommended that users new to this SARM start on the low end of the range and gauge their body’s response before adjusting the dosage.

A common starting dose of YK-11 is 5 mg per day, which is typically enough to produce results without stressing the body too much.

More experienced users can typically dose between 10 mg and 15 mg per day, split across two smaller doses.

By taking one in the morning and one in the evening, more stable levels of YK-11 in the bloodstream can be maintained.

Usage cycles should last 6 to 8 weeks, after which post-cycle therapy should be considered to stimulate natural testosterone production for roughly 4 to 6 weeks.

Who Should Avoid YK-11?

While YK-11 is a potent SARM, it’s not suitable for everyone, and some users may face elevated risks.

Nobody under 21 should be using this SARM, as the hormonal systems simply aren’t done developing yet, and long-term damage could result.

Anyone pregnant or breastfeeding should also avoid using YK-11 since the effects on fetal development have not been well-studied.

Since this SARM can have an impact on liver health, anyone with preexisting liver conditions should not use the compound.

Finally, anyone prone to endocrine issues, cardiovascular conditions, or joint or tendon issues, should not use YK-11 due to the potential for adverse side effects.

YK-11 Review Summary

It’s obvious that YK-11 is a powerful SARM that stands out due to the unique mechanism of inhibiting myostatin, allowing substantial muscle growth.

However, while the benefits and research are impressive, users should still approach supplementation with this SARM cautiously and with careful consideration.

As with any supplement, the most critical keys to success are careful management and administration, solid research, and guidance from a trusted medical professional.

Balancing the potential benefits with the possible risks and exercising mindful use, athletes and bodybuilders can leverage YK-11 for massive muscle gains.

For More Information Click Here to pick up YK 11 from our top rated source.


  1. Yatsu T, Kusakabe T, Kato K, Inouye Y, Nemoto K, Kanno Y. Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, YK11, Up-Regulates Osteoblastic Proliferation and Differentiation in MC3T3-E1 Cells. Biol Pharm Bull. 2018;41(3):394-398. doi: 10.1248/bpb.b17-00748. PMID: 29491216.

  2. Dahleh MMM, Bortolotto VC, Guerra GP, Boeira SP, Prigol M. YK11 induces oxidative stress and mitochondrial in hippocampus: The interplay between a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) and exercise. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2023 Oct;233:106364. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2023.106364. Epub 2023 Jul 17. PMID: 37468001.

  3. Dahleh MMM, Bortolotto VC, Boeira SP, Segat HJ, Guerra GP, Prigol M. From gains to gaps? How Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) YK11 impact hippocampal function: In silico, in vivo, and ex vivo perspectives. Chem Biol Interact. 2024 May 1;394:110971. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2024.110971. Epub 2024 Mar 21. PMID: 38521455.

  4. Lee SJ, Gharbi A, Shin JE, Jung ID, Park YM. Myostatin inhibitor YK11 as a preventative health supplement for bacterial sepsis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021 Mar 5;543:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.01.030. Epub 2021 Feb 12. PMID: 33588136.

  5. Piper T, Dib J, Putz M, Fusshöller G, Pop V, Lagojda A, Kuehne D, Geyer H, Schänzer W, Thevis M. Studies on the in vivo metabolism of the SARM YK11: Identification and characterization of metabolites potentially useful for doping controls. Drug Test Anal. 2018 Nov;10(11-12):1646-1656. doi: 10.1002/dta.2527. Epub 2018 Nov 18. PMID: 30379415.

  6. Thevis M, Piper T, Dib J, Lagojda A, Kühne D, Packschies L, Geyer H, Schänzer W. Mass spectrometric characterization of the selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) YK-11 for doping control purposes. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2017 Jul 30;31(14):1175-1183. doi: 10.1002/rcm.7886. PMID: 28440570.

  7. Tauchen J, Jurášek M, Huml L, Rimpelová S. Medicinal Use of Testosterone and Related Steroids Revisited. Molecules. 2021 Feb 15;26(4):1032. doi: 10.3390/molecules26041032. PMID: 33672087; PMCID: PMC7919692.

  8. Leciejewska N, Jędrejko K, Gómez-Renaud VM, Manríquez-Núñez J, Muszyńska B, Pokrywka A. Selective androgen receptor modulator use and related adverse events including drug-induced liver injury: Analysis of suspected cases. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2024 Feb;80(2):185-202. doi: 10.1007/s00228-023-03592-3. Epub 2023 Dec 7. PMID: 38059982; PMCID: PMC10847181.

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