
South Korean Fishing Boats Stage Maritime Parade In Protest Of Fukushima Water Release

South Korean fishermen have taken a bold stance, organizing maritime parades and rallies in Seoul, as they vehemently protest against the planned release of treated radioactive water from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. With their boats adorning the seas off Wando and their voices resonating outside the National Assembly, the fishermen unite in a powerful display of opposition, raising concerns about the potential environmental impact and calling for alternative solutions to address the looming crisis.

South Korean fishermen have taken a bold stance, organizing maritime parades and rallies in Seoul, as they vehemently protest against the planned release of treated radioactive water from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. With their boats adorning the seas off Wando and their voices resonating outside the National Assembly, the fishermen unite in a powerful display of opposition, raising concerns about the potential environmental impact and calling for alternative solutions to address the looming crisis.

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