
'Rizz' to 'Delulu', These 10 Gen Z Lingos Dominated 2023

Gen Z has a knack for crafting words that can leave even the most seasoned linguist scratching their head. With this in mind, let's dive into the linguistic wonderland of 2023, where "rizz" is not just a sound but a way of life.

In a world where language evolves at the speed of a viral meme, keeping up with the latest Gen Z lingo is like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube in the dark. 

Gen Z has a knack for crafting words that can leave even the most seasoned linguist scratching their head. And just when you think you've got a handle on "situationships" and "Delulu," along comes a whole new dictionary of expressions. Don't worry, you're not alone. So read on further and have a look at the words that GenZ can't stop using. 

1. Rizz

Oxford University Press crowned this term as the word of the year, defining it as "style, charm, or attractiveness." It's not just charisma. It's a Gen Z charisma that can even describe one's ability to attract a romantic partner. 

2. Situationship –

Gen Z has given a name to those romantic connections that exist in the gray zone – the situationship. Not quite official but more than just a fling, this term captures the complexity of modern relationships, where labels may be elusive, but feelings are not.

3. Beige Flag

Forget red flags; Gen Z introduces us to the subtle warning of a beige flag – a trait that veers towards the mundane. If someone's idea of a thrilling time is solving puzzles, you might be waving a beige flag in the relationship arena.

4. De-influencing 

In a world dominated by influencers, Gen Z has found a term for resisting the allure of consumerism – de-influencing. Whether it's a spontaneous purchase or the latest trend, to be de-influenced is to break free from the shackles of overconsumption.

5. It Slaps

When something is undeniably good or desirable, it slaps. From delicious meals to killer playlists, Gen Z uses this phrase to express approval and admiration for things that hit the right notes.

6. Boujee 

It's a word for everything luxurious and posh – boujee. It's not just about wealth. It's about an attitude of opulence and sophistication that defines the Gen Z aesthetic.


7. Snatched

This term is the ultimate compliment, praising someone's flawless appearance, be it in their makeup skills or their physical form. It's a celebration of beauty in all its facets.

8. Slay

To slay is to succeed and look great while doing it. It's a term of empowerment, often used to acknowledge someone's exceptional style or achievements.

9. Ick 

The ick is that cringe-worthy feeling, the moment when something or someone becomes unappealing or awkward. Gen Z doesn't just cringe. They get the ick.

10. Delulu 

"Staying delulu." When reality takes a backseat and delusion takes the wheel, you're living in a state of delulu. It's a term that acknowledges the departure from reality, often used humorously to describe someone who refuses to face the truth.

So, if your friends say your style is dripping, your relationship is stuck in a situationship, or your jokes are giving them the ick, just smile and nod – you're fluent in the language of Gen Z.

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