
Brain Implant Patient Finds Ease In Communication With OpenAI Technology

The new AI chat feature simplifies communication tasks, offering prompts that streamline texting.

Mark, a 64-year-old diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in January 2021, has found new hope in technology. Over the past year, he has been learning to control his devices using a brain implant, a breakthrough that has been made easier with the assistance of OpenAI.

Synchron, a neurotech startup specialising in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), announced on Thursday its integration of OpenAI's latest AI models into a new chat feature designed for patients like Mark. These BCIs decode brain signals into commands, enabling users with paralysis to operate smartphones, computers, and other devices using their thoughts.

The innovative AI chat feature by Synchron processes inputs from text, audio, and images to generate prompts that facilitate natural communication for users. Mark, who received Synchron's BCI implant in August 2023, shared that the device has significantly aided him in conserving time and energy while texting, a task that becomes increasingly challenging as ALS progresses.

"You get choices of how you might respond in several different ways," Mark explained. "So rather than me typing single words, I’m hitting one or two buttons or clicks, if you will, and I’ve got the majority of a sentence done."

Despite his condition gradually affecting his mobility, Mark remains hopeful about maintaining his independence and connection with his loved ones. He noted the emotional impact of being able to engage in conversations effortlessly, even sharing gardening tips with a Synchron employee, a topic close to his heart.

Synchron CEO Thomas Oxley emphasised that the primary goal of their BCI technology is to empower patients like Mark with choices and independence. The collaboration with OpenAI represents a significant step towards enhancing user experience and functionality.

"While Synchron continues to refine and deploy our new chat feature, Mark has been instrumental in its development," Oxley stated. "For him, it’s about preserving autonomy and staying connected."

BCIs have garnered increasing attention from tech leaders and investors, including Elon Musk's Neuralink and Synchron, which secured backing from prominent figures like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. Despite the competitive landscape, Synchron's less invasive approach via jugular vein implantation sets it apart, promising advances in accessibility and usability for patients.

Mark, reflecting on his journey with the BCI, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to advancements in neurotechnology and improve the quality of life for others facing similar challenges.

"It’s an opportunity to really be part of something bigger than yourself," Mark said, underscoring the transformative potential of technology in his life and beyond.

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