
Megan Boni's 'Looking For A Man In Finance' Is Not Just A Joke Anymore. It's A Trend!

Megan Boni, known as "Girl on Couch," went viral on TikTok with her song "Man in Finance," sparking remixes and leading to collaborations with top DJs.

David Guetta and Megan Boni

If you've found yourself singing, "I'm looking for a man in finance... with a trust fund. Six-five. Blue eyes," you're one of the millions who’ve been charmed by Megan Boni's viral TikTok clip. The 27-year-old New Yorker, known online as Girl on Couch, shared the catchy snippet in April, and it has since skyrocketed to fame, amassing over 40 million views.

The clip humorously critiques the idea of an "ideal man," and Boni captioned it, "Did I just write the song of the summer?" Apparently, she did. The short video inspired countless remixes and parodies, even attracting the attention of high-profile names like Finneas, Billie Eilish's brother. DJs, brands, and even Singapore's Ministry of Defence have jumped on the trend.

And in case if you don't know what we are taking about, here's a reel for you.

Megan's song has resonated widely, not just for its humour but also for its catchy tune. DJs ranging from Nicky Romero to Malibu Babie, who has collaborated with Nicki Minaj, have created unofficial remixes, demonstrating how TikTok can quickly propel new music trends.

Despite what her viral song suggests, Megan isn’t actually looking for a tall, wealthy banker. “I doubt we would work,” she laughs, explaining to BBC that the idea stemmed from her frustration with dating apps. “Dating apps are making dating so much more impossible because they're really raising everyone's standards,” she says. “I was just trying to make fun of girls like myself who complain about being single but then have this laundry list of impossible needs.”

Some critics argue that the track objectifies men, but Megan dismisses this, pointing out that men often write songs about women. “It is a joke. I didn't think a man with these criteria existed,” she explains.

Though Megan insists she has no serious interest in dating or launching a music career, her viral fame has caught the attention of Universal Music Group. They've offered her a publishing deal, allowing her to earn royalties from the song. “I have made money from it, just not through the uses on TikTok,” she notes, as TikTok videos can be used for free.

Megan’s life has been turned upside down since posting the video. She now boasts over 250,000 followers on the app and has even received offers for a full album, which she turned down. “I'm such an unserious person. I don't fit. I'm just not interested in writing music,” she says.


Instead, Megan signed a one-off licensing and distribution deal with Capitol Records to sell her vocals for official remixes. The first of these, produced by EDM duo Billen Ted, was released last month. Capitol Records executive Zach Elgort called Boni’s song a “marketing dream,” noting that its viral success eliminated the need for extensive promotion.

While Megan is enjoying her moment in the spotlight, she’s already looking to the future. She recently performed alongside David Guetta and The Chainsmokers in Las Vegas, but her true passion lies elsewhere. “My dream would be to be on Saturday Night Live. That's the goal,” she reveals.

Despite her rapid rise to fame, Megan remains grounded. “I feel a little bit bad about my overnight success,” she admits. “Some artists try to get a record deal their whole lives and I was just sitting on my couch. But that's how it happens, it's how the internet works. It's wild.”


For now, Megan is riding the wave of her viral hit, but she’s eager to move on to her real passions of acting and comedy. "So for the summer, I'll ride the wave of the song and I'll party," she says. And who knows? Maybe we’ll see her on SNL one day.

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