
Police Arrest UCLA Protestors, Pro-Palestinian Encampment Reduced To Debris In Early Morning Raid

Early Thursday morning, LAPD officers dismantled a pro-Palestinian encampment on UCLA's campus, which had been protesting Israel's actions in Gaza. The encampment had been standing for over a week.


In a pre-dawn raid on Thursday, May 2, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers dismantled a pro-Palestinian encampment on the UCLA campus. The encampment, which had stood for over a week in protest of Israel's actions in Gaza, was forcefully cleared after a tense standoff.

By sunrise, the once vibrant "mini village" of tents and signs had been reduced to a pile of debris. A core group of protestors remained, linked arm-in-arm and chanting slogans, defying arrest in front of Powell Library.

Reports indicate dozens of arrests were made during the operation. While the exact numbers are unclear, some officials suggest hundreds could be detained. There are conflicting reports of injuries among both officers and protestors.

The eviction followed a tense standoff between police and protestors.  Police utilized stun grenades and moved in force, clad in riot gear, to clear the area. Protestors attempted to create new barricades but were ultimately subdued.

One of the major arrests from the raid is of Dartmouth College professor Annelise Orleck.  Orleck, who participated in a similar protest at her own university, alleges excessive force was used during her detainment.  She claims to have been tackled and zip-tied by officers.

UCLA officials maintain that the encampment violated university rules.  Dartmouth College President Sian Leah Beilock echoed this sentiment, stating that protestors must accept the consequences of their actions.

Despite the forceful eviction, remaining protestors vowed to continue their cause. As they were led away, their chant “We will rebound”, the promises to return echoed through the campus.

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