
Six Christmas Fashion Trends We Should Bring Back

This year, let's take a nostalgic journey and bring back some timeless styles that have graced the festive season.

Guess what time it is? Yes, it's the season when we happily wear those funny Christmas sweaters and decorate ourselves like walking holiday ornaments.

But hold on to your tinsel, because this year, we're pulling out all the stops. Forget the clichés, ditch the dull and make space for a fashion fiesta that's part retro, part "what on earth is that?" 

So let's resurrect Christmas fashion trends that have been tucked away in the sartorial attic for too long. 

  • Velvet Everything

Velvet exudes a luxurious and cozy vibe, making it a perfect fabric for Christmas celebrations. Bring back the trend of velvet dresses for women and velvet suits for men. Deep reds, greens, or even rich blues can add an elegant touch to your holiday wardrobe. Consider incorporating velvet accessories like scarves or bow ties for a subtle nod to the trend.

  • Tinsel Tiaras and Glittery Hair Accessories

Who says the tree should be the only thing sparkling this Christmas? Channel your inner holiday princess with tinsel tiaras and glittery hair accessories. It's a fun and easy way to add a dash of festive flair to any outfit.

  • Tartan and Plaid Everything

Tartan or plaid patterns are classic and timeless, making them an excellent choice for Christmas fashion. Embrace this trend with plaid skirts, dresses, or blazers. For men, plaid shirts or even a full tartan suit can make a bold statement. Stick to traditional holiday colors like red, green, and white to enhance the festive feel.

  • Faux Fur Stoles

Bring back the glamour of Old Hollywood with a faux fur stole draped over your shoulders. It's a touch of luxury that instantly elevates any outfit, turning you into the star of your own festive film.

  • Sequin Bomber Jackets

Who says sequins are reserved for New Year's Eve? Make a statement at your Christmas party with a sequin bomber jacket that catches the twinkle of holiday lights. It's the perfect mix of casual and festive.

  • Pearl Accessories

Channel your inner Audrey Hepburn with timeless pearl accessories. From necklaces to earrings and everything in between, pearls add a touch of sophistication to any holiday outfit. Mix and match sizes for an updated twist on this classic trend.


After all, the best way to predict the future of fashion is to revive the past. Time to make these trends great again!

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