Like sin and like terror (Bush's favourite target before the Iraq distraction) Evil is not an entity, not aspirit, not a force to be opposed and subdued. Evil is a miscellaneous collection of nasty things that nastypeople do. There are nasty people in every country, stupid people, insane people, people who should never beallowed to get anywhere near power. Just killing nasty people doesn't help: they will be replaced. We must tryto tailor our institutions, our constitutions, our electoral systems, so as to minimise the chance that suchpeople will rise to the top. In the case of Saddam Hussein, we in the west must bear some guilt. The US,Britain and France have all, from time to time, done our bit to shore up Saddam, and even arm him. And wedemocracies might look to our own vaunted institutions. Are they well designed to ensure that we don't makedisastrous mistakes when we choose our own leaders? Isn't it, indeed, just such a mistake that has led us tothis terrible pass?