Without a doubt, the people behind this kidnapping are dirty, low-down thugsand ought to be arrested by somebody, and Mr. Pearl should be freed to go hometo his pregnant French wife and job at the Wall Street Journal (which may aswell be the CIA in a few respects). The situation is, of course, quitedangerous. These S&M games can get out of hand. That gun could go off andkill Mr. Pearl, accidentally or on purpose. They--or thugs like them--could goout and pick up a few more unsuspecting Americans. Of course, this is somethingthat could happen at any time, and we should never shape American policies tofit the demands of kidnappers, extremists, hijackers and thugs. Still, whyshould we bait them with insensitive, erotically-charged power plays like thePentagon's tasteless, internationally illegal Guantànamo S&M porn? Justcompare: Is our photo so much more ethical and reasonable than the ones of poorMr. Pearl?