Wide circles of Palestinian politicians were partner to the colossal failureduring the Oslo years, when the worship of the symbolism of an airport andpostage stamps and the easing of restrictions on movement that they receivedfrom Israel prevented them from seeing in time that Israel was aiming at a newkind of control, not at a peaceful solution. The rapidity with which the currentintifada degenerated into the use of weapons and explosives is not only theresult of "his decision not to decide:" The cult of the "armedstruggle" has also been nurtured by his fiercest opponents, like Hamas andthe Popular Front. His opponents, and there are more than a few of them, do notdare to come out systematically and openly against this cult, and not because ofArafat or armed gangs. After all, for many years people dared to come outagainst the Israeli army of occupation and endanger their lives, their libertyand their jobs. Here, among other things, there is also a role played byconsiderations of tribal loyalty, personal prestige, socialization processes,the fear of harm to salaries and perquisites, class alienation and socialdistance from the objects of the criticism.