Extreme prudery in any religion is fertile soil for fanaticsm, just a hair'sbreath from terrorism. The most successful and despicable alleged terrorist ofour time, Mohammed Atta, is a case-in-point for prudery gone amok. Here was aman who wouldn't even shake a woman's hand (though there are rumors of himhiring hookers), wouldn't even look at a woman. A roommate's girlfriend tauntedAtta by hanging a reproduction of a Degas nude above the toilet in their sharedapartment. Atta tried to ignore it for a couple of months, then tersely askedhis roommate, not the girlfriend, to remove it. Many mysteries of 9.11 remain tobe solved, and surely there are a multitude of personal, political and economicreasons why this atrocity occurred. But one small yet powerful cause seems tohave been the deep anti-sex, anti-female feelings of this man, his abhorence forwomen, for nudity, for Eros, for life. It is ironic that the attack would putanother sexual repressive of a different religion into the spotlight, enablinghim to grasp greater powers than ever.