The bilateral nuclear agreement must be seen as a crucial step to lock inIndia into the US global strategic designs. Alongside negotiations for thenuclear accord, steps have been taken for closer military collaboration. TheAccess and Cross Servicing Agreement, otherwise known as the Logistics SupportAgreement is being pushed ahead as provided for in the Defence FrameworkAgreement . This would lead to regular port calls by US naval ships in Indianports for fueling, maintenance and repairs. The regular joint naval exerciseshave now been widened to include India in the trilateral security cooperationwhich exists between the US, Japan and Australia. The September joint navalexercises in the Bay of Bengal are a major step in this direction. The UnitedStates is exerting pressure on India to buy a whole range of weaponary such asfighter planes, helicopters, radars and artillery involving multi-billion dollarcontracts. The aim is to ensure "inter-operability" of the two armedforces.