The recently signed Indo-US nuclear deal welcoming India to the world ofrecognized nuclear power has been termed historic, and for once that may not beusual media hyperbole. Though only the future will determine its truesignificance, there is little doubt that the nuclear pact is an emphaticacknowledgment of India’s transformation from a regional to a global power, animportant step in transforming the rules of the world order to accommodate theaspirations of a rising power. Beyond these obvious implications, the measure ofthe tectonic shift that the Indo-US entente implies will be revealed in itsimpact on both the world’s non-proliferation regime as well as India’sstrategic posture, its economic-development and foreign-policy orientation. Asthe fallout from the nuclear deal becomes clear, India may be seen to have madean immediate strategic gain while underestimating the long-term politicalconsequences.