Humans have played God since the world began. In more recent times, photos of Jews on death row trudging totheir graves - there is a photo of a woman with head shaven, skeleton-like and bare-footed, dragging a trolleyof human carcass freshly executed by the Nazis. The Jewish woman's job was to transport her load of mortalremains to the giant furnace that swallowed up in its fire bodies of men, women and children rounded up andkilled only because they were Jews. The sight of that bald woman and the menacing curls of smoke- black andthick - that the chimney fueled by endless human bodies it provided is so haunting, even today, as are photoscarried by The New York Times of mountains made of gold wedding bands and shoes once worn by humans thatHitler annihilated. The Holocaust and the murder of millions of Jews will be around forever as a grimreminder.