
Diamond And Rust

Nari collects grand residences with the same casual aplomb he brings to new acquisitions to his magazine stable. Mumbai, Pune, Marve, London, Hollywood and a New York penthouse on two floors with a great view of Central Park and the Manhattan skyline, where we sat while he announced his plans for a fortnight of delirious fun and games. This is what we did: two Jim Carey movies at the new Sony entertainment centre (The Mask and Liar, Liar); two disaster flicks (Dante's Peak and Twister); roller-blading in Central Park; encores at the Empire State Building; ancient Egyptian culture at the Met; Jekyll and Hyde, the musical; giant meals at Taco Bell and Pizza Hut; more roller-blading in Central Park; a trip to the zoo and a gift for me to round it all off, a book, Good Parenting Never Ends. F. Scott Fitzgerald was right after all: the rich and famous are different from you and I.

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