Dyslexia is a learning disability which is rarely focused on or understood in India. Yet, it can be diagnosed in as many as 15 per cent of all school-going children. This disability can be broadly divided into three categories: Visual dyslexia, in which letters and numerals are often reversed with faulty sequencing of letters in the spelling. The child also suffers disorientation of time and space and in recalling visual images. In auditory dyslexia, there is difficulty in integrating what is heard and recalling those sounds and identifying them with their printed symbols. The third category is a combination of both visual and auditory dyslexia. Interestingly, research shows that a male child is far more likely to suffer from this disability. The causes for dyslexia are not entirely clear, but birth traumas like oxygen deprivation, medicines for seizures and head-injuries can be possible reasons. Social class, home environment or intellect have nothing to do with it.