
Faster, Fastest...

One expected the next generation microprocessor to come from market leader Intel Corp, right? Well, arch-rival Advanced Micro Devices (amd) beat the giant by two days by launching the world’s first gigahertz chip. amd announced last Monday that it was shipping its 1GHz Athlon microprocessor for desktops which runs at one billion cycles per second. This, the fastest computer chip ever, is 500 times faster than its distant ancestor - the first megahertz chip born 25 years ago. On Wednesday, Intel, which was flooding the markets with its 800-900MHz processors, also launched its 1GHz Pentium III chip. The war of speeds, however, does not stop here. Intel has announced its intention to launch its GHz Plus chip codenamed Willamette in the second half of the year and even demonstrated the chip running at 1.5 GHz. amd, on the other hand, has already announced two revolutionary low-cost, ultra-high-speed microprocessors, Spitfire and Mustang which, according to the company, will go well past the gigahertz wall.

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