
Mamu's Idlis

FOR cricket reporters chasing the Indian team around the world it is not always a happy culinary experience. Particularly, if you are vegetarian. Not that I am one. But press boxes are usually surfeit with tasteless ham and chicken sandwiches and curry-rice is a rare novelty. But, one of the advantages of the Indian cricket team is the goodwill and hospitality they get from the Indian population in the country they visit. There is almost a scramble for the honour of hosting the team on most days. In the team, these hangers-on are nicknamed 'mamus'. Some mamus attach themselves to a particular group of players other's get pally with everybody. In New Zealand, the chief 'mamu' was Nayan Acharya. In his 40s, Acharya came down under as a 12-year-old and, after working his way up, now owns a chain of three restaurants called Mr India. When the team came in 1990 and 1994 I met them but didn't get that close. This time my restaurant was open to them any time so that they could come and have Indian food. At Taupo, for instance, he even organised idlis during the dinner break. He also turned up in his shorts during the nets and lent a helping hand with stray balls. Of his numerous recipes, Sachin and Sunny liked his chicken jalfrezi. Acharya's coup of the tour: This time I got close to the team. Even Sachin.

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