
Railway Stunts

When I recently ran into the Ta poris again, I noticed they have a star among their fold. Allwyn Mac-Wean (screen name Anil) does motorcycle and car stunts for Bollywood blockblusters and ad films . Remember the guy in the Hercules cycle ad who goes over a 20 ft chasm in the Himalayas with a drop of over 13,000 ft? That's Allwyn. He also doubles for stars like Akshay Kumar and Shah Rukh Khan. "A stuntman's job is a thankless one," he laments. "We do the dirty work and it is the heroes who get the credit." On holidays Allwyn likes to hit the movie halls. He feels proud when the crowd appreciates his stunts. When he is not busy on the sets or the cinema, the soft-spoken stuntman runs a driving school in central Mumbai. His advice to all his students, he tells me, is to drive carefully. Allwyn goes slow on his drink since he has a shooting schedule the next day. I ask him which stunt would he rate most dangerous? Pat comes the reply: "Riding the Virar Fast eryday and surviving. Nothing could be more dangerous ."

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