
Sonnet In 25 Lines

Since editors are known for offering gratuitous advice, I recommend to Mr Vajpayee that he begin his auspicious 'bari' on the assumption that his prime ministership will not last more than 10 to 12 months. He can, therefore, spend all his time either trying to keep the coalition together, or he can say to himself: I know this job is temporary, so I will take each day as a gift and set out a bold and creative agenda. Here are some of the things he could usefully do even if his government lasts just 90 days:

  • Get the Lok Pal Bill passed.
  • Sack Romesh Bhandari.
  • Table the Bofors papers.
  • Get the women's reservation legislation through.
  • Open up a 90-day single window clearance for infrastructure-related proposals.
  • Get the right to information bill drafted and present it to Parliament.
  • Set up a separate ministry—with a non-politician as minister—to launch a crash primary education programme.
  • Ban antakshiris on television (Atalji will then have my eternal support).

    And if he has any time left, he can write a few poems on how difficult it is to run coalition governments.

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