
The Giraffe Sucks

But to hell with philosophical questions. Not halfway around the temple, our government-approved guide was doing the nudge-nudge wink-wink. I don’t know if it was because he thought we had begun to drool, or if it was just the way he usually operated. But he was steering us—though I recall that wife and son went off by themselves—only to the erotica, explaining in a steadily hoarser whisper what he was about to show me, breaking into English for the most titillating parts. "Here lesbian", and "there two men, one woman", and "that is dog, heh heh"—these phrases, I remember hearing.

He also made frequent, sibilant use of the word "sucking". After a point, everything he showed me needed to be described using "sucking". Is my memory playing tricks or was that also true of the panel with a giraffe in it?

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