
Win of the Week

No state secrets are being revealed here, but Mr Vajpayee's real enemies—those who cannot wait to see him out—are not in the parivar or the nda or the Opposition. They sit comfortably in the embrace of his own party. These worthies include ministers, national executive members, party bigwigs, friends of the bjp in the media.... These are the people who have been conducting a frenzied campaign to destabilise the government both overtly and covertly. At times the campaign has been orchestrated with a brazenness bordering on vulgarity.

The Bharatiya Janata Party pounces ruthlessly on those outside the fold who dare to criticise the high command. No one knows that better than me. Therefore, I am amazed that the enemies within of Prime Minister Vajpayee seem beyond the purview of discipline or reprimand.

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