
A Question Of Credibility

THE Hindujas' proposed entry into the print medium has evoked mixed reactions from senior journalists. Some are sceptical about the brothers or about business houses' commitment to freedom of expression others can't see what the uproar is all about.

M.V. Kamath: "It's a free country. Anybody with enough funds to get into the act can go ahead. As for dubiousness , I can't think of anybody who is more dubious than the other."

Nikhll Chakravartty: "The very fact that they are starting media ventures is dangerous. Their name is not a wholesome, desirable one in public life today. If they get into the business, the media should wake up and be alert to developments."

Khushwant Singh: "I can't see any saintly firm in front of me. In a free society, if the Birlas and the Goenkas can do It, why not the Hindufas?"

S.P. Singh : "The money can be black. or tinted, for all one knows. But what's the point in taking religious money to publish a porn magazine? If the Hindujas are being allowed to establish industrial houses, here's no reason why they should be stopped from getting into communication."

Ajit Bhattacharjea: "It's an unfortunate development. Given their background and connections, it will be extremely unwise to let them into the media."

Kuldip Nayar: "l'm opposed to the entry of business houses and other moneybags. The profession should be delinked from such types of ownership. Freedom of expression must not be misused by businesspersons."

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