
AC Helmets, Water Splashed On Sizzling Transformers: How India Is Dealing With Unbearable Heatwave

The latest figures issued by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) shows Rajasthan’s Churu recording a blistering temperature of 50.5 degree Celsius


Scorching temperatures across the country this summer have disrupted routine activities. The maximum temperatures this summer have already breached 50 degree Celsius mark for the first time with the blistering heatwave sweeping across the country’s many states.

The latest figures issued by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) shows Rajasthan’s Churu recording a blistering temperature of 50.5 degree Celsius. The national capital Delhi’s Aaya Nagar as per IMD recorded an all-time high of 47.6 degree Celsius.

The scorching temperatures have reportedly also lead to 16,000 cases of heat stroke. Medically, heatstroke is an abnormal condition when the sweating mechanism of a human body fails and it is unable to cool down. Reports state 60 deaths have occurred in the country since March 1 this year due to heatwave.

Experts are advising people to stay indoors at shaded places, while avoiding exposure to the direct sun. The experts are also urging people to stay hydrated and wear light-colored clothes in this scorching heat. The unbearable across several states in the country has prompted the authorities to make the necessary arrangements to mitigate health risks including heatstroke and dehydration, heart strain among others.

Many states have already announced vacations for the students, while public spaces including parks and recreational centres are also witnessing thin attendance owing to blistering heat.

Some people are thronging hill stations in Himalayas including in Himachal Pradesh and Jammu Kashmir to escape from the scorching sun. The heatwave has hit poor people in the country hard especially homeless who at many places including Delhi are using tarpaulin sheets or living under tree shades to escape from the blistering heat.

In Bihar’s Begusarai on Wednesday, the students fell unconscious due to the scorching heat.

Sizzling electricity transformers:

At places across the country, heatwave has affected electricity transformers. In Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow an electricity transformer heated to the extent that it finally went up in flames. In state’s Amethi and Lucknow, people were spraying water and even using water coolers to prevent transformers from heating up amid scorching heatwave conditions.


The heatwave across the country’s parts has also put electricity grids under strain with peak demand rising as per official statistics rising to 8000 MW in national capital Delhi this summer on May 23.

Greens nets:

The people have also devised novel ways to escape from the sweltering heat.

In one such initiative Gautam Buddh Nagar Traffic Police have installed green nets at red lights on road intersections. The move aims to protect commuters, especially those on two-wheelers, from direct and scorching sunlight.

AC helmets:

In another instance, the Vadodara traffic police have discovered a way to beat the scorching heat. Its employees are now required to wear customized air-conditioned helmets. These cutting-edge AC helmets are made to relieve heat during peak temperatures between 40 and 42 degrees Celsius.

These helmets have a number of unique features installed. They feature a charging port as well as a visor to protect the eyes from sunshine. These helmets can keep you cool for up to eight hours when fully charged.

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