Stay Hydrated: Try to keep cool and avoid dehydration by consuming lots of fluids and foods high in water content such as cucumbers. Drink sufficient water, even if you don’t feel thirsty. When stepping out, remember to carry a bottle of water and keep sipping. For workers exposed to sun for long hours, the US-based OSHA suggests drinking water every 15 minutes is necessary. Try to stick to homemade drinks like lassi, torani (rice water), lemon water, chaach (spiced buttermilk) and other things to stay hydrated instead of sugary drinks. Stock up on ORS, glucose drinks and electrolyte-balancing solutions. However. resist the urge to drink icy cold water immediately after stepping indoors from the sun. Give your body some time to acclimatize to the temperature indoors and cool off a little before drinking water to avoid catching a cold. While it is not strictly dangerous, it is inadvisable.