'You have taken the country to the edge of caste wars .. We have problems if caste is defined to enshrine casteism in our country. We have problems if the weakest amongst the classes are not helped and if the weakest among the minority religions are
"This resulted in the Hindu converts inadvertently acting as Trojan horsesof castesystem amongst highly equalitarian religions such as Islam..."
"In view of the above, the Government consider itnecessary "some positive and workable criteria should be devised for thespecificationof the socially and educationally backward classes."
"One important reason as to why the Central Government could not acceptthe recommendation of the Kaka Sahib Kalelkar Commission was that it had not workedout objective tests and criteria for the proper classification of socially andeducationallybackward classes..."
3.2 'The commission has constantly kept the above requirements in view inplanning the scope of the activities."
"To begin with, a Research Planning Team of sociologists met inDelhi from June 12th to 14th, 1979 to draw up a plan of studies and researcheswhich shouldbe undertaken by Backward Classes Commission for determining, in a scientificand objectivemanner the criteria for defining socially and educationally backward classes.
Para 11.4 "Subsequently, a Panel of Experts led by Prof. M.N. Srinivas,met in Delhi from July 16 to 20th,1979, i.e. for five days, and, a herd detailed deliberations,prepared a complete design of the survey along with a set of schedules, dummytables,instructions, etc."
"On the basis of 1891 and 1931Census data wascollected and analysed with a view togetting a frame for the linkage of traditional occupations by caste."
"It was rather disappointing to see that hardly anyState was able to gave the desired information".
"Only one or two States, of them furnished the necessary details. Further, several Statesdid not choose to respond even to some simple and straight-forward questions on importantpolicy issues ."
"Generally speaking, it was seen that the views of every individual...
"...the views of every individual group and association were conditioned by their own class interestsand the question of giving concessions to OBCs was surcharged with emotion"
"It was but natural that most of the respondents appearing before the Commission belongedto the OBC."
"The results are exhaustively listed and reported in Chapter 11. But these surveys, thevillage surveys were only 810."
"Experts panel had recommended "one per cent purposive sampleof villages at the district level to be able to identify a vast majority of backward classes
"... it was decided that for our purpose a sample of one per centof thecountry's population comprising 65 lakh persons may be too large..."
"In the end, it may be emphasized that the survey has nopretensions to being a piece of academic research. It has been conducted by the administrative machinery ofthe Government...All these factors obviously militate against the requirements of atechnically sophisticated and academically satisfying operation."
'The population of Hindu OBCs could be derived by subtractingfrom the total populationof Hindus, the population of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and that ofthe forward Hindu castes and communities and it worked out to 52%
"Criteria for defining backwardness: Nearly 78 per cent of the respondents were of the view that caste should be accepted as a criterion. However, 28 per cent favoured the acceptance ofcaste as the sole criterion."
"Nearly 70 percent were in favour ofevolving multiple criteria based on social status political influences, educational attainments, economic level, employment status. etc. Others favoured the including of place of habitation and financial position."
"With a view to giving better representation to certain backward sections of OBCs, like the Gaddis in Himachal Pradesh, Neo Buddhists in Maharashtra, Fishermen in the coastal areas Gujjars in J&K., it is recommended thatareas of their concentration may be carved out into separate constituencies at the time of delimitation."
"This section sought to collect information on variousdemographic aspects of Other Backward Classes, denotified tribes, advanced castes andto compare lists of Other Backward Classes prepared by Kaka Kalelkar Commissionwith thosenotified by various State Governments."
"It may be mentioned that although this Commission was appointed by previous Janata Government, Shrimati Indira Gandhi's Government not only gave two extensions but extended all support and cooperation in the discharge of our work...
"This clearly shows her devotion and commitment to the cause of the suppressed depressed and the oppressed..."
"This question of the backward classes is important not only for those who belong to those classes or castes or to the backward region, it is a national question. Article 46, Article 15(4) and Article 16(4) -- these provisions reflect the nation's understanding from the very beginning of the need for special treatment in favour such classes. Such treatment is not intended to create new disparities. It is to redress existing injustices. The aim is to overcome historical and geographical handicaps, not to create new vested interests. The categorization of backward classes has always been difficult. I should like only to point out that we shall have to devise a formula which commands wide public acceptance besides strengthening our national fabric..."