
Day After Pakistan’s Goof At UN, India Counters With Picture Of An Army Man Killed By Terrorists

India on Monday presented to the UN General Assembly a photograph of Lieutenant Umar Fayaz, an army officer who was kidnapped in May and “brutally tortured and killed” by Pakistan-backed terrorists to counter Islamabad’s narrative’s on Kashmir, reported Hindustan Times.

This comes a day after Pakistan described India as 'the mother of terrorism' in South Asia, and tried to pass off fake pictures of Gaza war victim at the UNGA to embellish its false narrative on Kashmir.

“This is the true picture” which portrays a “harsh and tragic reality” of India, said Paulomi Tripathi, a young Indian diplomat, as she held up a picture of Faiyaz during a “right-of-reply” response to Pakistani envoy Maleeha Lodhi displaying a photograph of an injured Palestinian girl on Saturday and claiming it was a pellet gun victim from Kashmir.

"This is a real and not a fake picture of Lt. Umar Faiyaz, a young officer from the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir. Umar Faiyaz was kidnapped at a wedding celebration. He was brutally tortured and killed by Pakistan supported terrorists in May 2017,'' said Tripathi.

She said Lodhi had “misled” the General Assembly by displaying the photo of Rawya Abu Jom’a, a girl from Palestine, that was taken by an American photographer in July 2014. A fake picture, she said, was used to “spread falsehoods about India” and to “push a completely false narrative”.

Tripathi concluded her remarks holding up both photos, and said, “The true face of Pakistan is not hidden from anyone.”

Earlier on Saturday, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj had ripped apart Pakistan during her address at the UN General Assembly, emphasising how the neighbouring country had become the breeding ground of terror.

India, she said, had marched ahead since Independence, building institutions that are the "pride of the world". Pakistan, in contrast, has only "produced terrorists and terrorist  camps... Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad, Hijbul Mujahideen, Haqqani Network,"  she had said.

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