
Explosion At Southern Thailand Fireworks Warehouse Claims Nine Lives And Leaves Scores Injured

The devastating blast, likely triggered by construction work within the facility, left the area in ruins with damaged structures, vehicles, and debris strewn across the streets.

In a devastating incident, a massive explosion occurred at a fireworks warehouse in Narathiwas Province, Southern Thailand, resulting in at least nine fatalities and scores of injuries. The governor of Narathiwas, Sanan Pongaksorn, informed the public broadcaster Thai PBS that the blast also left at least 115 people wounded, with many in critical condition.

The explosion caused extensive damage to the area, with numerous structures, cars, and motorbikes severely affected. Debris covered the streets, and many houses and buildings suffered collapsed roofs and walls.

According to the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, about 100 residences in the vicinity were damaged due to the force of the explosion, as reported by AP.

Governor Sanan revealed that the probable cause of the explosion was construction work being conducted within the warehouse. Flares generated from metal welding are suspected to have ignited the stored fireworks, leading to a catastrophic chain reaction of explosions.

Videos shared on social media depicted a massive plume of smoke billowing over the vicinity of the warehouse, showcasing the scale of the tragic incident.

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