For all practical purposes, the Garden of Eden was a lonely place for Adam and so, God created Eve out of the first man’s RIB. Hold on, this is the 21st century and RIB stands for a gender-neutral “routing information base”—the data in a router that lists the routes to network destinations. For all those listless lonely hearts in this Covid-sequestered world, this is the route to find love. It’s called digital or online dating. The juicy apple even Satan couldn’t conjure. And more and more people are biting it since they are forced to stay indoors and told to be stay off fellow humans (at least six feet away). Far removed from the in-person stuff, digital dating allows people to meet over a computer app “like-minded” persons looking for, what else, a date. A blind date where you just log out if the hook-up doesn’t work out. Continue if it does. That’s half the guilt and convenient too, right? But the big question is: when is a digital date a real date? It is all very reminiscent of surrealism master Rene Magritte, who painted a picture of a pipe and wrote under it “This is not a pipe”—because, of course, it is an image of a pipe. The Treachery of Images, as the painting is called, also applies to online dating.