
Meet The Corona Warriors: Chandrakanta Sharma, Jaipur's Messenger Of Good Health

Chandrakanta Sharma is a midwife and grassroots health worker who goes door to door to collect information on health issues related to Coronavirus

Chandrakanta Sharma, 57, is an auxiliary nurse, midwife and grassroots health worker posted in the Ramganj area of Jaipur. For the past 10 days, she has been going door-to-door and enquiring if residents have fever or cough—symptoms of coronavirus—or if anybody has travelled abroad lately. Any answers in the affirmative and she requests them to visit the nearest dispensary, where health check-ups are conducted. At times, people don’t tell the truth and she has to ascertain information from neighbours. Sharma also educates people on how to protect themselves from the virus and reduce chances of transmission. On a daily basis, she visits about a hundred homes. “I want to ensure that every single household is covered in my area,” says Sharma.


By Salik Ahmad in Jaipur

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