How do these amendments introduced to the RTI Act affect us as citizens and users? Why are these amendments injurious to our access? All governments have been, are, and will be biased towards secrecy and worse, fabricate information to justify their ends. RTI remains the only credible means left in our polity today to access facts of government functioning and therefore come closer to the truth. RTI also defines our right to freedom of expression in a simple clear and fundamental manner, from the individual to the collective. Governments may control and direct news, manipulate statistics, conceal sensitive information in the interest of “national security”. But it is almost impossible for a government to control and co-opt the nearly 50 lakh RTI applicants in a year, using RTI to seek information on a wide range of issues spanning from rations, pensions, shelter, life and liberty to teacher appointments in government schools, funds spent on road maintenance, coal contracts awarded to corporate conglomerates. Therefore, a strike is made to the closest thing possible – the Information Commissions.