Derailment is one of the simplest, but flashiest, methods of trolling. Similar to pop-punk music, derailment will ensnare and fool many individuals into actively performing in the troll's piece. Devil's Advocate is a style, named for the rhetorical method it employs, finds the troll taking a viewpoint that is opposite to most of those within the forum, or in the thread. Argued as being either a technique or a style, the defamation style of trolling is not practiced by most veterans, but is a simpler form of trolling that most adolescent trolls learn before beginning large-scale, complex trolling techniques. It simply consists of insulting the poster one is targeting, and ruining his or her image. Freestyle trolling has been used almost religiously since the birth of Facebook, comprised of a quote or seemingly meaningless post to bait and trap Facebook ‘friends’, followed by a storm of purposeful idiocy, leading to the eventual blocking of the troll. Cannibalism is an advanced form of trolling understood only by a few. Cannibals will often covertly present themselves as troll bait, with the aim of attracting as many trolls as possible (e.g. posting a seemingly sincere, yet desperately sad and misguided clip on YouTube), this process is called “herding the trolls”. Once adequate trolls have attempted trolling the cannibal troll’s troll bait, the cannibal reveals his or her true identity, thus consuming the mojo of all herded trolls’ this process is called “eating the trolls”.