
Mizoram: Voting To Be Held Again In One Polling Station On Technical Grounds

The repolling was necessitated as voting personnel did not clear the mock poll there ahead of the assembly election held on Tuesday, officials said.

The Election Commission has directed that voting will be held again in one polling station in Mizoram’s Aizawl South-III constituency on Friday, officials said.

The repolling was necessitated as voting personnel did not clear the mock poll there ahead of the assembly election held on Tuesday, they said.

Voting will take place between 7 am and 4 pm in Muallungthu polling station on Friday.

A total of 1,084 electors, including 548 female voters, are eligible to exercise their franchise in the polling station, the officials said.

The Mizoram assembly elections passed off peacefully on Tuesday with over 77 per cent of 8.57 lakh electors casting their votes.

The voting percentage is likely to increase, as final reports are yet to come from far-flung districts, they added.

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