For example, the interlinking of rivers has made a beginning inAndhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. In Tamil Nadu, the State isconsidering creation of water ways connecting Palar, Kaveri, Vaigai andThamiraparani. I have seen and experienced the functioning of four operationalPURAs (Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas) namely Periyar PURA at Vallam,Tamil Nadu, Loni PURA in Maharashtra, Chitrakoot PURA in Madhya Pradesh andByrraju PURA in Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh. BAIF (Bharatiya Agro IndustriesFoundation) has brought a new dimension in rural and tribal development, throughempowering the rural people with know-how, technology and networks; for waterconservation, dairy development, fruit orchard and animal husbandry. Inaddition, Governments of Kerala, Chhattisgarh and Uttar Pradesh have taken upthe PURA missions in their respective States and have completed the planningprocess. In the 93rd Indian Science Congress, I have suggested to the Ministryof Rural Development to allocate Rs. 500 Cr. for initiation of 100 PURAclusters, each consisting of 20 to 30 villages across the country. Action isprogressing. Leadership for these PURA Clusters will be provided by the selectededucational institutions located in the respective rural areas. Chhattisgarh,Mizoram and Uttranchal have undertaken large scale plantation of Jatropha inboth Government and private lands to produce bio-fuel. I have seen a solar powerplant of 120 KW capacity in Kaylapara village in Sagar Island at Sundarbans inWest Bengal. This power plant along with a number of 20 to 30 KW plants issupplying six hours of electricity to 33 villages in the Sagar Island. This isgoing to be expanded to 150 villages very soon. Bangalore Municipal Corporationis in the process of implementing a 8 MW power plant using solid municipal wastethrough BOOT (Build, Own, Operate and Transfer) scheme. The power plant issimilar to what we have in Hyderabad and Vijayawada. India’s first virtualuniversity has been created by the three 150 year old universities namelyMadras, Mumbai and Calcutta. I have delivered the inaugural address for thisvirtual university and interacted with 15,000 students spread across the countrythrough EDUSAT using virtual tele-education delivery system. A VirtualUniversity by definition is meant to cut across the geographical andadministrative boundaries and provide the best of education. It is ourresponsibility to make it happen in the new environment. I have seen theaccelerated learning programme using computers in Karnataka Government schoolsin association with Azim Premji Foundation to reduce the dropouts. AkshayaComputer Literacy Programme of Kerala has made at least one member in eachfamily a computer literate in whole of Malapuram district of the State. Also, Isaw a high profile scientist after his retirement from Light Combat AircraftProgramme has taken up the mission of removing the illiteracy in his nativevillage Bour in Darbhanga district of Bihar. Jamsetji Tata Virtual Academy hasstarted the creation of Village Knowledge Centers using the selected fellows ofvirtual academy in association with M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation. Iinteracted with a number of village knowledge centers established in differentparts of the country from Coimbatore and Hyderabad through EDUSAT connectivityand discussed the problem faced by the farmers, fisher folk and craftspersonnel. At Peda Amiram near Bhimavaram, I have visited an InternationalCancer Centre with all modern facilities for treatment of cancer patients. AtParumala in Kerala, the International Centre for Cardio Thoracic and VascularDiseases is providing specialized treatment to heart patients in rural areas. Ialso met 1000 physically challenged children wearing the light weight calipersat Nalgonda in Andhra Pradesh and most importantly the first and the 10,000thchild benefited from Defence Technology spin off. All these results indicatethat the development has started reaching certain parts of our rural areas. Whatdoes it all symbolize? The 5000 years old civilization is awakening to newtechnology and towards development. I can see that developed India is on therise.
In order to strengthen this process, scientists, technologists and healthcarespecialists have a special role to play.