Pointing towards possible preparation for biological war, Dany Shoham, an Israeli Senior Researcher, in a recent article published by IDSA, Delhi, highlights that in July 2019, a group of Chinese virologists were forcibly sent off from the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, for illegally shipping two exceptionally virulent viruses – Ebola and Nipah to China. According to him, the ‘main culprit for the breech’, was Dr Xiangguo Qiu, an outstanding Chinese scientist, who was heading a section of the Special Pathogens Programme at Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory. Dr Xiangguo Qiu had many Chinese students in her research team in Canada, from a range of Chinese scientific facilities, four of which were regarded to be part of the Chinese biological weapons programme. Interestingly, China was funding eleven programmes for research work at Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory, under the leadership of Dr Xiangguo Qiu.