Our realities have been marked by masks, sanitizers, six feet distances and greater physical distances to cope with lockdowns and shutdowns. We hoarded toilet paper & held our breath in grocery store lines. The vaccine has now given us a roughly 75 per cent surety to tackle the virus and some form of variant, but can the “vaccine” also be symbolic against greater societal ills exposed during this “kalyug” of the past year? Covid-19 has exposed inequities of race, gender, class and power structures globally. What if in our “vaccinated” world we can use “social dreaming” sessions to narrow the divides and see greater degrees of social justice all round to create a more equitable world? Despite the uncertainty of how long the efficacy of the vaccine will last along with now being haunted by strains of variants, can we still “collectively dream” of greater social equity for the socio-economically disempowered and communities of color? What does it mean to be “vaccinated” against social-inequities? Can we have deeper empathy for our migrant workers, our unorganized labour sectors as well as the loss of lives amounting to Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, the Asian-American women in Atlanta and countless others who are being attacked for their socio-economic context, race or class?