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Physical And Mental Health Goes Hand in Hand: Lifestyle Influencer And Health Coach Vinayak Veer

Intense exercise increases cortisol in the short term due to stress on the body but still decreases it the following night.

Physical And Mental Health Goes Hand in Hand: Lifestyle Influencer And Health Coach Vinayak Veer

How does physical fitness help in stress management?

Someone has rightly said, "The body achieves what the mind believes", and it really is true. Stress hormone (cortisol) is a nature-built alarm system in our brain. It regulates your blood pressure, increases your blood sugar (glucose), controls your sleep/wake cycle, boosts energy so you can handle stress and restores balance afterwards. Increased cortisol level can be very dangerous as it leads to anxiety, depression, headaches, heart disease, memory and concentration problems, problems with digestion, troubled sleeping and so on. Thus we can see that it plays a very significant role for our body, and the only way to reduce the stress hormone down is through exercise in which mild or moderate exercise at 40–60% of maximum effort does not increase cortisol in the short term and still leads to lower levels of cortisol at night. It is true exercise decreases cortisol at night. Intense exercise increases cortisol in the short term due to stress on the body but still decreases it the following night. Physical activity is the safest and the most reliable way to control cortisol. 

Ways to execute mental fitness?

Discipline and visualizing self-confidence is probably the most important characteristics to achieve mental fitness or growth. People should listen to what they are saying to themselves -- maybe not even consciously. If you keep saying, ' I will never be able to do this, before any activity, then you will not be able to do it, ever. If you say something enough to yourself, you will make it true. Visualization also plays a very important role, and the drill is simple, just visualize your past achievements. It is almost like a highlight reel that you playback in your mind. Focus on times you felt wonderful, and remember that feeling. It can give you a real boost, thereby helping you in situations, trust me.

How to keep ourselves mentally and physically strong during this pandemic?

Pandemic has taken a lot from us, whether it is a loss of a job or a loss of a loved one. But fortunately, we have few techniques which can help us to be stable mentally and physically.

Journaling help's in reducing anxiety and stress, improves emotional power and allows us to reflect on the day. Other than daily recording events, you could try writing a gratitude journal. Reflecting on the thankfulness, you feel during the day can bring positive energy and brighten your mind.

Exercising releases beneficial hormones such as endorphins that boost your mood and reduce stress. There are plenty of workout videos online and free fitness applications that you can follow without gym equipment. You can also find videos that focus on specific parts of the body that you want to train.

Snacking wisely by replacing your potato chips with fruits and veggies. Consuming sugary and fatty foods can be a contributor to depression and poor mental health. Healthy diets can help you cope with these problems and boost your overall immune health. Even if you choose to skip out on baby carrots, try making your snack using healthy ingredients.

 A lot of people living stressful life any suggestions for them?

Stress is a silent killer you never know when it turns to anxiety and leads to depression. Realistically we can't reject stress from our day-to-day life, but we can control it perfectly. Understanding the situation and committing to a positive attitude is one of the most crucial things. A positive attitude should be a way of life. Stressful situations can test our strength. Accept the emotions that we feel and keep a positive attitude. Focus your efforts on what you can influence, get support, and care for yourself. All these things can help you cope with your situation, lessen the stress, and help you come through feeling strong. Confident people do come out of stressful situations. Seeking help from your loved ones is a blessing.