Commanders should be impartial, fair, and honest in their conduct to earn respect of Jawans. Ensure zero tolerance for indiscipline, corruption, moral turpitude, and conduct unbecoming of a soldier. Make regimentation the hallmark of organisational ethos, where commanders and men live and die together as they know each other, understand each other, and work for dignity of unit, organisation and nation. Slow and gradual tinkering with regimental fabric has created a void and gap between commanders and men. It is detrimental to national security. Breaking regimental fabric breaks homogeneity of battalion develops non-familiarity between commanders and troops and obliterates feeling of oneness and pride for unit for which a man is motivated to even sacrifice life for izzat of unit. It is the asymmetry between men and command which is leading to indiscipline, violations of chain of command, increasing court cases, suicides and fratricides.