
Tripura Logs 446 New Covid-19 Cases, One More Fatality

The toll rose to 922 as one more person succumbed to the infection in the last 24 hours. The fresh Covid fatality was reported at GB Pant Hospital here, and the patient had other ailments.

Tripura on Sunday reported 446 new Covid-19 cases, 230 more than the previous day, with the tally mounting to 1,04,728, a health department bulletin said. The toll rose to 922 as one more person succumbed to the infection in the last 24 hours, it said. 

The fresh Covid fatality was reported at GB Pant Hospital here, and the patient had other ailments, a health department official said.  At least 293 people recuperated from the disease Since Saturday, taking the total number of recoveries to 1,01,357, the bulletin said. 

The daily positivity ratio stood at 12.14 per cent, up from 11.61, as the fresh cases were detected from 3,673 sample tests, it said.  Tripura now has 2,380 active patients, and most of them are undergoing home quarantine. 

The state government has already issued an advisory in a bid to prevent the rising infection trend and urged people to adhere to  Covid appropriate behaviour. “The state-level Covid task force has not been asked to impose any stringent measure such mandatory test for those who are entering into Tripura. We are monitoring the situation," the official added. 

(With PTI Inputs)

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